Forever Young: Top of the World

by Karen and LB
© 2002

Number 20 in the series.

Karen and I wrote this story a while ago--long before the destruction of the World Trade Center and the death of so many thousands of innocent people. We were actually planning to post it right before September 11. After the disaster, I didn't want to post it at all. But then I thought about it--I love New York. I've lived in and around the city my whole life and I've seen the beauty and life that exists within. And I've experienced the romance that the city inspires, even when you're just walking down the street on a cold winter night.

We were going to change parts of the story, but then we decided to let it stand as is. The World Trade Center DID exist. It's a part of our history and a part of what made NYC so spectacular. And I do believe that when JC and Lance saw it for the first time on their early visit to NY they were as awestruck as anyone. The towers only fit into a small part of this story but the romance that the city inspired and still does inspire is what made this story so enjoyable for us to write. We hope that all of you affected by the recent tragedy will get some enjoyment out of this story too.




All five of them are like little boys, peering out the windows as the bus pulls into New York. It's not like they've never been here before, but this time is different. This time it's as *NSYNC. They're going to be on MTV. MTV. And that puts a whole new luster on the city that it's never had before for any of them.

"I wanna get me one of them dirty-water dogs," Joey declares, patting his stomach and licking his lips.

"I love it--we're in New York City for five minutes and the first thing Joey thinks of is food," observes Chris, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, it was a long drive. I need my energy."

"I'm not sharing a room with you if you eat one of those things."

Lance sits back and grins. This is the part of the job he loves, besides performing. Just being with his friends and experiencing everything together. The last time he was here, he was so young and he was with the Showstoppers and they were all so amazed at how big the city was. He's still amazed. New York is so . . . alive.

"Look at all them people," Justin drawls. "Always running somewhere." "They got places to go, people to do," replies Joey.

"So do we," Lance states flatly. Joey and Justin turn to him. "I mean, the places to go part."

JC turns away from the window to grin at his boyfriend. "You're so cute when you're . . . saucy," he whispers, squeezing Lance's hand. Aloud, he says, "Look, Joe. There's a naked girl selling hot dogs."

When Joey practically sprains his neck to get a glimpse, JC laughs. "I love doing that to him."

"And you're calling ME saucy?"

"Very funny, C," Joey groans, tossing an empty candy wrapper at his friend.

"I thought it was," Lance comments, turning his attention to his day planner. He's had this thing since JC gave it to him in South Africa; even though it was only last year it seems so long ago now. It's a little worn around the edges, but this year Lance got the refill pages. He loves writing down all their appearances and appointments. Each page seems to tell a story. He's so engrossed that he doesn't even notice the bus has stopped in front of their hotel.

"Home sweet home." Joey stands and stretches, then starts gathering up his belongings. "Whoa, check that out."

Lance looks where Joey directs and sees a sizable crowd of girls waiting for them. He feels that fluttery excitement in his stomach whenever fans come out to see them, but here, in his own country, it still surprises him.

They make their way into the hotel, stopping to speak to the waiting girls and sign autographs, a little sheepishly. It takes them so long to pass through the crowd that by the time they make it to the lobby, Lynn has them checked in and is waiting to hand out their keys. "You have an hour to shower and change," she informs them. "ONE hour, Justin. Now get up there and get ready."

Lance has been paired up with Justin, and he grins at JC as they head up in the elevator. One hour is a long time. Ten to change, fifty to hang with his boyfriend.

JC grins back, reading Lance's mind. "I get the first shower," he announces to Chris, astonishing the older man.

"What, you're not going to sleep first?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Christopher. We have an appearance to make."

"Christopher? Gee, JOSHUA, I didn't realize it was a formal appearance."

Lance races to the room, fighting Justin for the door and managing to scramble to the shower first. As he turns on the water, he hears a muffled "cheater!" from the other side of the door. Sometimes it pays to be older. He's out of the shower and back in the room before Justin has time to whine. "All yours, dude."

"Sure. Now. You better have left me some hot water."

"Plenty, dude." Lance rummages through his bag, finding the shirt that his mom and Lynn picked out for them to wear to the MTV taping. He checks himself in the mirror once and then calls out to Justin, "I'm gonna be down the hall."

"What a surprise," Justin mutters, still harboring suspicions about the quantity of hot water left to him.

Lance subconsciously fixes his hair in the hall outside JC's room before knocking. JC's not completely ready. He pads to the door, barefoot and shirtless, opening it and letting Lance in. "Hey. Almost ready."

"I'd say you're pretty ready," Lance mumbles.

"Ready for you. For MTV, not so ready."

"I think you should go on just the way you are."

"Okay, we'll go tell Lynn." JC grabs Lance's hand and starts dragging him back toward the door.

"Josh!" Lance giggles, digging his heels into the carpet. "I don't think she'll go for it."

"No? Then how about I just kiss you, instead."

"I don't think she'll go for that, either."

"She doesn't have to know," JC whispers, pulling Lance close.

"Oh," Lance purrs, melting into JC's arms. But he puts his hands on JC's chest before he can get any closer. "Wait, where's Chris?"

"Still in the shower." With that, JC closes the inches between himself and his boy and kisses him gently.

Lance accepts the kiss eagerly, then pushes away playfully. "Finish getting dressed."

"You're no fun," JC says, but he's smiling as he slips on his shirt and sits to pull on his socks and shoes.

"As much as I'd love to . . . you know . . . I just wanted some time to talk. We're not gonna have much of that while we're here."

"Yeah, it's too bad everything's going to be so rushed. I'd like to be able to see some of the city with you."

"Well, we'll get to go sightseeing. We HAVE to go to the Empire State Building. And Rockefeller Center. And the Statue of Liberty. And I want to go shopping."

"In our spare time."

"Hey, we have like an hour between MTV and the photo shoot. And then later tonight, we're free."

"Yeah, maybe we can do something tonight. Just the two of us."

"That's gonna be tough. You know the guys are gonna want to--"

"Want to what?" Chris asks, emerging from the bathroom, a towel draped around his waist.

"Go out clubbing. What else?"

"Cool. 'Cause I want to show the ladies my moves." Chris begins dancing around the room.

Lance rolls his eyes. "Oh yeah, you'll really impress them with that."

"Hey, at least I can get IN, little one."

"Shut up, so can I."

"Not if I tell your mama."

"Brat. You tell, and I'll tell her about the ice cream and spoon incident."

"Kids, kids. No fighting. And Chris, get dressed. No one wants to see you in a towel, dude."

"Somebody does. Woooo!" and he flashes JC and Lance. Lance covers his eyes and turns away. "Ugh, Chris, man, I'm traumatized!"

"Don't think about it baby. It's over."

"You're just jealous, Chasez," Chris taunts, striding over to his bag and pulling out clothes.

"Oh, yeah, that's it." JC puts on a comically pathetic expression. "Lance, please don't leave me for Chris."

"You have NOTHING to worry about."

"Gee, thanks Lance. You better keep your spoons away from me."

"You better keep your everything away from him."

"Hey, watch it JC. He's just a kid."

"Am not."

"Are too! Oh wait, JC--you didn't. You DID?"

Lance throws his head back, blushing, and covers his face. "CHRIS!"

"Well, c'mon. You did it, didn't you?"

"We are SO not talking about this."

"C'mon, you can tell Uncle Chris."

"I'm leaving." Lance makes as though he's going to walk out.

"I'm going with you."

"Hey, guys, you don't have to be embarrassed. It's completely natural. We all do it. Well, not like you do it, but you know what I mean. Aw, my little boy's all grown up. Wait, don't leave!"

But Lance is already at the door. "Sorry, Chris, some things just have to remain a mystery."

"Yeah," JC says as they escape. "Like why Chris is allowed to, like, be Chris."

"Would you want him any other way?"

"I guess not. Just think. He could be worse." JC sighs. "So much for spending a little quality time together."

"We still have some time." Lance leans against the wall.

"Yeah. And I still say we should try to sneak off tonight."

"And how are we gonna manage that?"

"Well, I haven't figured that part out yet. But I want some fun time with you."

"Isn't it always a fun time?" Lance coos, putting his hands on JC's waist and pulling him closer.

"You know it is," JC says, leaning his forehead against Lance's.

Lance looks to the left and right, and seeing the coast is clear sneaks in a kiss. "Someday, we'll come back here--just the two of us."

"Oh, definitely. It's a date."

"So until then we'll just have to improvise."

"We can do that." They stand very close for a moment more, then separate when they hear a door open.

"What are you boys doing out here in the hall?" Lynn asks.

"We're ready," JC says. "We're just trying to stay out of everyone's way."

"Well, go check on the other boys, will you please? Tell them to get a move on."

"Uh, sure," Lance stammers, heading toward his room. He looks back over his shoulder at JC and shrugs.


One thing Lance is not crazy about when it comes to performing is wearing makeup. He knows why they have to put it on, but he still doesn't like the feel of it. He doesn't understand why women use this stuff on their faces--it feels so heavy. But he patiently sits still while the makeup girl does her job, and he focuses on why they're here. MTV. Their first televised appearance on MTV. How many times has he turned on the TV and seen videos for other groups? Never in a million years would he have imagined that he'd be here right now, about to perform with his own group. He looks over at JC, who seems to be in a trance. "Hey. Nervous?"

"Huh? Uh, yeah. I didn't think I would be, but, you know, MTV, man." "Yeah, me too. I don't want to mess this up."

"It'll be good. We're ready. We know what we're doing. It'll be fine."

"Yeah. It will." Still, Lance chews his fingernails, then remembers what his mother told him about biting his nails on TV. It's not like they haven't done this song a hundred times before, but this it feels like the first time. Finally, they're called to the set.

JC jumps up and down, the familiar pre-performance adrenalin rush setting in. He looks over at Lance's terrified face and smiles encouragingly. Then they're taking their places.

Lance ignores the row of faces in front of them as the music is cued. They've been told this is some kind of VJ contest, so after they perform the VJ hopefuls will rate their performance and then the boys will be interviewed by Carson Daly himself. Lance counts the steps out in his head as he's done dozens of times before, and on this small stage it's not easy to do some of the moves, but somehow it all goes off well and the crowd seems to love it. When they finally sit down with Carson, Lance is at the end and his hand keeps moving to his mouth, but he hears his mother's voice inside his head telling him not to bite his nails. At last, the cameras are off and Carson congratulates them. Everyone in the studio seems genuinely impressed by the boys.

They're all euphoric as they head back to the bus. Everyone's hugging and they're all talking at once so no one even knows who's saying what. "We DID it."

"MTV, man."

"Carson DALY shook my hand!"

Lynn watches them, as excited as they are but quieter about it. She waits till she senses the right time to rein them in, and then reminds them of the photo shoot that's next on their schedule.

The energy they had at MTV they take with them to the photo shoot. Even the photographer has trouble keeping up with them. They're silly and playful, but they give back everything the photographer asks of them. Hours later and many rolls of film shot, the boys are finally let loose. They're told some of the photos will appear in Tiger Beat and some of the other teen magazines, which makes Lance laugh. He remembers his sister Stacy reading those magazines when she was little, and now he's going to be in them.

"I'm starving," announces Joey as they climb on the bus. "I vote for the Hard Rock."

"When are you NOT hungry, Joe?" asks Justin, amazed.

"Hard Rock sounds good," Lance chimes in. "You could get a new menu," he says to JC, nudging his foot.

"Yeah," JC says, nudging back. "And tons of food. I'm starving, too." "I'll bet," Chris deadpans. "Jumping up and down for three hours straight will do that to a guy."

"Oh, because you're so CALM all the time."

"I didn't almost break through the ceiling!"

Lance reclines back in his seat. He loves just hanging with his friends, being boys. There are so many demands made on them now that when they have just a few minutes to be themselves he savors it and just sits back and watches.

As they pull up at the Hard Rock, JC looks over at Lance and smiles, reaching to give his arm a quick, discreet squeeze.

In the restaurant, they're like any group of rowdy boys, in spite of Lynn's admonitions. Their good manners keep them from getting asked to leave, but their laughter is raucous, and they almost wipe out the bar's supply of coke. They order what seems like way too much food, but, being boys, they manage to leave barely a crumb.

"Where to now?" Justin asks the group.

"It's too early for the clubs," states Joey. "Wanna see a movie?"

"No clubs," Lynn says firmly, glaring at Justin and Lance.

Stifling a protest, Lance hears his mother's voice in the back of his mind. He feels like he's being treated like a 10-year-old. It's fine for Justin, but he's been out to clubs before. "What if we go down to the Village and look for jewelry and stuff. I wanna get something for Stacy anyway."

The boys agree and even Lynn is amenable, and, warning them not to stay out too late, she lets them go.

They pile into two cabs downtown, Lance never taking his eyes off the sights on the other side of his window. As they pass the Empire State Building, Lance cranes his neck to see the top. "Wow," he remarks.

"What, has it gotten taller since the last time you saw it?" JC says teasingly.

"We don't have anything this big in Mississippi. Or Orlando."

"It's different from anywhere else, isn't it?"

"It's a whole other world. Everything's so . . . big. Man, I'd love to live here someday."

"Maybe we will someday."

Lance finally tears his eyes away from the window. "We?"

"Um, you?" JC says, flustered.

"Oh." Lance looks away, disappointed. "Yeah."

"Or, um, us?"

Lance looks back, a smile playing on his lips. "Maybe. But we'd need a loft or something. For all your stuff."

"Are you saying I have too much stuff?"

"No." Lance looks straight ahead. "Not at all. Considering you're ONE person."

"Oh, and you're not gonna have, like a million pets."

"I only have a dog. Right now."

"Right. For now. I know you."

"Guys," Joey interrupts. "If you two are done planning your future, we're here."

Lance gives JC one more knowing look before hopping out of the taxi. They're right in the heart of the Village, and the call of the wild basketball draws Justin immediately to the infamous W.4th Street basketball court. "I could do that," he remarks, watching the street players fire away at the basket.

"In your dreams, Jordan," Joey laughs. "They'd chew you up and spit you out."

"I could do it," Justin repeats.

Lance spots a street vendor selling handmade rings, earrings, and necklaces. He wanders over to the table and studies the different crystals. JC stays with Joey to help talk Justin out of virtual suicide. When it looks like Justin isn't going to climb the fence or anything, he looks around for Lance, then walks over. "Anything good?"

"Stacy's kind of conservative, but I think she'd really like these. What do you think?"

"I could see her wearing them. It looks like her style, but a little funkier."

That's good enough for Lance so he puts the earrings aside when he notices a beaded choker that he thinks would look good on JC. "Hey, check this out."

"Oh, that's really cool."

"It's yours." Lance quickly whips out his wallet and pays for both trinkets. "Turn around."

JC complies. "Aw, thanks, babe."

After fastening the clasp, Lance spins JC around. "It looks good on you. Sexy."

"Really? You think so?"

"Very. It draws attention to your face."

"My attention is drawn to YOUR face."

It's thrilling--on the crowded sidewalk, in this city that never seems to stop moving, under the streetlights--Lance fights the urge to kiss his boyfriend. If they were any other people but who they are, he could. He would. But they're on the verge of breaking out in the music business and Lance knows there's too much at stake. So he blushes and turns away, spotting Joey beckoning them to get moving. They wander up and down the streets, stopping for coffee, getting dragged into a sex shop by Joey, until finally Justin notices the time and announces they have to get back to the hotel. Lance wishes the night would never end--it's been such an amazing day, and he feels so alive out here. When a cab pulls up, Justin, Joey, and Chris pile in. "We'll be right behind you," Lance calls out, watching for the next cab to pull up. JC tugs on Lance's arm.

"What do you say we don't go back just yet?"

"Really? What about curfew?"

"When was the last time either of us broke curfew? We're the good boys. We'll be forgiven."

"I won't tell if you won't. What do you want to do?"

"Empire State Building?"


"You wanted to go, didn't you? And they're open late. I, um, asked at the hotel in case we got a chance."

"You did? Heck, yeah, I want to go! I've never seen it at night."

"Me, either." JC flags the next cab and they get in. He loves seeing the usually self-contained Lance excited like this.

Excited is an understatement. Lance feels like a kid on his birthday. He keeps looking from the window to JC, his eyes full of anticipation. When the cab pulls up in front of the building, Lance practically leaps out before the car has come to a full stop.

Laughing, JC follows Lance into the building, hard pressed to keep up with him as Lance spots the sign pointing them in the direction of ticket sales.

At this time of night and this day of the week the line is short, so they quickly get their tickets and are in the elevator to the observation deck before they know it. "This is just like that movie. You know, Sleepless in Seattle," comments Lance. This garners a few snickers from the other tourists in the elevator with them.

"If your Dad comes to find you, you're in trouble," JC replies, using the crowded elevator as an excuse to press closer to Lance. He takes Lance's hand, feeling safe among the close-standing bodies.

"If my dad comes to find me, YOU'RE in trouble." Lance swallows twice, trying to clear his ears. When the doors open, he leads JC over to the next set of elevators that will take them to the top.

"Oh, we can't have that, can we?" JC says, delighted that his little plan worked so well. There is nothing he likes more than seeing Lance happy and excited like this.

"No, because I'll be grounded for life and you'll--" but the words die on his lips as they wind their way around the inside of observation deck and out the door to the open air. "Oh, wow." Lance is stunned by the twinkling lights surrounding them and the bright moon above.

"Worth blowing off curfew for?" JC says softly, stepping up right behind Lance.

"I'd risk getting grounded for a year for this." Lance rushes over to the railing and looks out over the expansive south side of the island. He can see boats in the harbor and the glow of the World Trade Center.

The boys stand for a while, gazing out at the city lights. Eventually, they move to the west side and spend some time taking in that view.

"I wish I had my camera with me." Lance pushes away from the railing and stops. Nearby, a young couple stands in the shadows, lip-locked in a romantic embrace.

"You can probably buy a disposable in the gif-- oh!" JC looks at Lance, a little flustered. "Do you want to, um, go in and see?"

"Uh, yeah, that's a good idea," Lance mumbles. But in order to get back in they have to walk past the young couple and end up on the north side of the building, where only a few people are scattered by the railing.

"It's, um, different being up here with so few people," JC offers.

"Yeah. It's really amazing." Lance is once again drawn to the railing, and a cool breeze blows through his short, bleach-blond hair.

JC fights the urge to run his fingers through that softly blowing hair. "This might be the most romantic thing we've ever done."

"There's only one thing that could make it better--if we were alone."

"We can be MORE alone," JC says, and leads the way to a more shadowed spot.

And it was true. Here, in this tiny nook at the top of the Empire State Building--heck, the top of the world--Lance feels as though he and JC are the only two people up here. In fact, no one really is paying attention, because the few people up here are either tourists too busy trying to find the Statue of Liberty or other couples doing exactly what he and JC are doing. "This is really great. I wish we could stay up here all night."

"Yeah, " JC agrees, pulling Lance closer. "But let's make the most of the time we do have."

Lance tilts his head up and stares directly into JC's moonlit eyes. He takes a deep breath of the cool night air and parts his lips, then presses them lightly against JC's.

The kiss is soft and sweet and seems to last for a very long time. When they separate, JC smiles and whispers "Did you still want that camera?"

Lance shakes his head. "No, because there's only one picture I'd want and it's not something we can take."

"Good. I want as much time with you as I can get."

"Let's stay up here till they kick us out," Lance challenges, pulling JC in for another kiss.

"That's the plan." This time the kiss is deeper, more passionate. JC finally gets to do what he wanted--stroke the soft, pale hair that's still being lifted and dropped by the breeze.

Lance snakes his arms inside JC's jacket and around his slender waist. He's even so bold as to give JC's ass a playful squeeze.

JC smiles into their kiss. He never imagined that he and Lance would be able to be so free, so open. But here, it's as if they were alone. "Now you know why I like New York so much," Lance says, when they break for air.

"Yeah, I do. We definitely need a place here someday."

"It's like nobody cares what we do. They don't even notice."

"It's great. It's the way it should be."

"Yeah. As much as I love my hometown we could never do this there."

"But you'll have a place there, too, right? I know you--you'd never feel right if you couldn't go home sometimes."

"Yeah. I want a house there. Definitely. I'd want to be near my family. But I want a big enough house so that you could be there too."

JC hugs Lance to him tightly, almost fiercely. "Do you realize this--today--is the first time we've talked about the future and you haven't said 'But Jo-osh, I'm only 18.'?"

"Almost 19. And if you're gonna mock me you can just forget about it." Lance lightly shoves JC away, turning his head to hide his smile.

"I'm not mocking you," JC says, pulling Lance back to him. "It makes me really happy."

"It's just talk, you know. Who knows where we'll be a year from now? The record just came out. I mean, people seem to like it, but we could be out on the street next month for all we know."

"What, you think I won't love you anymore if we flop?"

"No, but we'll be lucky if we could afford to rent a room in Lynn's house."

"I'd get a job flipping burgers if it meant we could be together."

"You'd do that? For me?"

"I SO would."

"You'd even wear one of those goofy hats?"

"If that's what it takes."

"That's love. But seriously, the future . . . you know how I'm always saying I'd like to be married young."


"Well, I do. But of course now things are different."


Lance sighs in frustration. "You know, now that I'm . . . we're . . . gay."

"Different in some ways. Not in others. Maybe we can't have, like, a legal marriage, but if we have love and a true commitment, that's something. That's huge."

"I guess. Let's not think about that right now, okay? Let's just take what we've got right here, right now."

JC grabs Lance's hand. "Right here, right now, we're going to buy tacky souvenirs. Because it's a rule."

"Whoa!" Lance laughs, catching himself from tripping as he allows JC to lead him inside, loving that JC can switch gears when they need to and that they can do silly things like buy tacky souvenirs without feeling self-conscious. "Whatever you say."

"The tackier the better," JC says, with a grin. "Even better, you buy one for me and I'll buy one for you."

"Okay, but you can't look. You stay on one end of the store and I'll stay on the other. No peeking."

"Fine." JC begins inspecting the shelves with deep interest.

Lance glances over at JC to make sure he is, indeed, holding to his promise as he begins scouring the shelves on his side for just the right item. He doesn't have to look long.

JC picks up and discards a couple of extremely tacky items. He turns to another shelf, and immediately pounces. He glances over to see Lance moving away from the cash register and scurries over.

Patiently waiting at the entrance to the gift shop, Lance peers inside his bag once more and snickers. Top this, Chasez, he thinks. JC joins Lance and they go back outside, where it's even more sparsely populated than earlier. He offers Lance his bag.

"You first," orders Lance, when he hands JC his bag.

"Fine." JC reaches into the bag. And pulls out the most gaudy snow globe on the planet. It's larger than most, and it lights up when you flip it over, and when you press a switch at the base it plays a tinny version of "New York, New York."

"Lance, baby. You shouldn't have," JC says with a laugh. "Your turn."

"I only do it 'cause I love you." Lance gingerly reaches into his bag and pulls out . . . a shoddily made teddy bear, dressed as the Statue of Liberty, complete with torch. "Aw, he's so cute. I'm gonna sleep with him tonight."

"I think I'm jealous."

"I gotta have something to remind me of you."

"Just don't expect me to dress up like the Statue any time soon."

"I'd rather you dress up like a big teddy bear."

"I'll be your teddy bear anytime you want."

"Will you snuggle like this?" Lance brings the teddy bear up and smashes it against JC's cheek.

JC pulls Lance into their darkened corner again. "Will this do?" He smashes his mouth into Lance's, hard, but not hard enough to bruise.

Still clutching the bear, Lance moans into the kiss, then finally pulls away to breathe. "Uh, yeah. Much better."

"Glad to hear I can do something better than the bear," JC says, then leans in for another kiss, this time tender and full of passion.

"Folks, we're closing up now, so will everyone please make their way downstairs?" calls the security guard.

Lance pulls away quickly, flushed and slightly flustered. "I feel like we just got here."

JC glances at his watch."'I think we just turned into pumpkins."

"Where's the magic wand when we need it?" He takes JC's wrist and turns the watch so he can see it. "Shit. I'm toast."

"You don't know that, " JC says reasonably. "Maybe the guys covered for us."

"They can only cover so much. I just hope Lynn isn't pacing the hall." They step onto the elevator.

"I don't suppose we can blame it on New York cabbies."

"We can try."

As they step out onto the street, JC says "I just want you to know: No matter how much trouble we're in, it was worth it."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Lance fights the urge to squeeze JC's hand. They manage to snag a cab in minutes; at this time of night, traffic is light, so they make it back to the hotel quickly. The lobby is nearly deserted, and they find themselves alone in the elevator. Lance turns to JC and says quietly. "Thanks. For tonight." JC takes Lance's free hand--the one not carrying the world's tackiest teddy bear. "It was great, wasn't it? I love getting to just DO stuff with you."

"Me too. We don't get to do this a lot. If it means getting grounded and having to hear it from my parents, I don't care."

"Of all the stuff we could have done, this is pretty mild. No drinking. No drugs. No sex." The elevator stops on their floor. "Ready?"

"After you."

The doors open and they step out and glance around. The hallway is quiet and deserted. They walk toward their rooms, trying to keep their bags from rustling.

From behind them, a door clicks and Lynn steps out. She doesn't say a word--just crooks her finger and motions them inside. Lance puts on his best sheepish grin and hangs his head.

Once inside, Lynn lets them have it. "I don't even want to hear excuses. YOU should know better." She points at JC.

"I know. was my fault, Lynn. I talked Lance into it. We were there, waiting for another taxi, and I just, just, got this lame impulse and...I know it was wrong."

"Where were you?"

"We went to the Empire State Building."

"This time of night? Look, right now, you boys are my responsibility. I let you out on your own because I thought you'd be responsible. Next time, I'm gonna send someone out with you. This is a big city, and anything can happen."

"It wasn't just JC's fault. We both went. And we're fine," Lance cuts in.

"But how did I know that, Lance? I didn't know where you were. This is a business, guys, whether you like it or not. I know your schedule is tough, and that's why I want to let you have as much free time as I can. But if you're gonna run off like that without telling anyone, then you're not gonna leave the hotel. Is that what you want?"

"No, ma'am."

"I don't want that either. I was worried, okay? Next time, just call if you're gonna be out late. Even though you DO still have a curfew." "Yes, ma'am. We really are sorry. We didn't think we'd be this late." "Yeah, I'm sorry we made you worry, Lynn," adds JC.

"You boys go on to bed now. And NO going out tomorrow, hear?"

"Yes, ma'am," Lance mumbles, feeling bad for upsetting her. Lynn hugs both boys and sends them off. Outside in the hall, Lance stops. "Hey, I just realized: Tomorrow night we're grounded."

"So I heard."

"I'll bring the games."

"I'll bring the sodas."

Lance grins. With no one in sight, he leans up and gives JC a quick kiss. "And who said we won't find time to date?"


P.S. This was inspired by a visit to the Empire State Building back in June. We had never been up at night, and imagine our surprise at discovering it was make-out central...

Tattoo You

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