Mirror, Mirror
by Karen and LB
© 2002
This one came from a discussion of two pictures. The first of is Lance doing the "Baby, come on" crotch grab from Bye Bye Bye. We had long commented on the, well, delicacy with which Lance, er, grabs.
Then one day, this picture of JC dropped. Same technique. So we started talking about how JC must have taught Lance and the rest is....Mirror, Mirror.
Disclaimer: Not as far as we know.
"Nah, like this."
"Gross, Justin."
"You're no better, Joey."
"At least I have something to grab."
"Your 'something' has been grabbed so many times it's eroded."
"At least mine hasn't shriveled up from underuse."
"Just from overuse."
"You wish. You just got your pubes."
"Did not!"
"You don't have pubes? That explains a lot."
"At least mine aren't GREY, dude."
"They're not grey--they're experienced."
"Yeah, right. So who IS gonna show Lance how to do this?"
"Wait a sec, guys, I KNOW how to do it. I mean, I kind of know."
After everyone has a good laugh: "Seriously, who's gonna teach
"That's it. You wanna see grab? I'll show you grab! Grab THIS!"
<collective sigh> "Guys, someone's gotta show Lance . . . "
"That's it. I'm leaving. You can all grab yourselves for all I care."
"Aw, C'mon Lance. We were only teasing."
"Forget it. I'll never get it right anyway."
JC steps in. "Of course you will. No one works harder than you,
"I try. But this . . . this is really HARD."
"That's kind of the point, Lance."
"Um . . . it is? Because this is really embarrassing."
"It doesn't have to be. C'mon." JC leads Lance into another, smaller
rehearsal room. He has Lance stand facing the mirrored wall and
starts the music. He returns to Lance and stands behind him.
Then, hands on Lance's waist, he takes him through the steps.
"Okay, this time we add the hands." JC goes over and re-cues the
music and they run through it again, this time with JC's hands over
Lance's. JC is much closer this time, his breath warm on Lance's
neck, and when he presses Lance's hand to his crotch it's almost
as if JC himself were fondling him.
Lance suddenly feels very hot. It's not as if JC has never shown
him dance steps before; they've rehearsed together plenty of times.
It's that with JC pressed so close against him and holding his hand
against his crotch, Lance can't help but feel aroused. This makes
him even more embarrassed than the dance step alone has, and
he tries to pull away. "Maybe we should just . . . "
JC doesn't let him go. "Come on, Lance. You're getting it. One
more time."
"JC, please don't make me do this. I-I can't. I just can't."
JC drops his hands and steps back. His voice is tight, carefully
controlled. "Fine, Lance. I was only trying to help. But I'm not going
to force you to do something you don't want to do."
"Wait, JC, don't go." There's more than a trace of panic in his
voice. "I just feel so stupid. I need . . . help. Please, help me?"
"Lance, you're not stupid. You're having trouble with a step. Big
deal. We all do sometimes. I know you think this all comes
naturally to me, but it doesn't. When I screw up, I screw up BIG. I
thought Darren was gonna KILL me yesterday when I kept turning
the wrong way.
"Now, let's try it from the top of the verse. You do it yourself this
time, and I'll watch, okay?"
Alone? JC wants him to do this alone? Somehow, he feels more
self-conscious than ever with JC's eyes on him. "JC, I--" but he
stops before he can finish when he sees JC's eyes glaring at him in
the mirror. Okay, I can do this. Just pretend no one's watching.
And think of JC's hand doing this to you. JC cues the music,
Lance focuses his eyes on JC's, slides his hand down his body,
and thrusts.
JC can feel Lance's eyes on him, waiting for a response. He's
speechless, but he knows he has to say something or risk
damaging Lance's shaky confidence. "Um, Lance? Whatever you
just did? Always do it that way."
"And whatever you THOUGHT," he muses, "to put that expression
in your eyes . . . whoever she is, Lance, she's a lucky girl."
Mortified, JC realizes that he had spoken aloud.
Lance's face heats up and he can see in the mirror that his cheeks
are flushed. He also notices that his fingers are still holding his
crotch, albeit gingerly. He looks down and mumbles, "It's not a
It's JC's turn to blush. "Oh, I um, sorry, I um, didn't . . . sorry.
Lance feels the need to run from this room as fast as he can. He
regrets the words the second they leave his mouth. "No, it's okay, I
. . . I should go now. Thanks for the help."
"Lance, wait. You think I'm all freaked out now, don't you? Well, I'm
not. A little surprised, maybe. But not freaked."
Lance still can't look at him. "You're not? Look, forget I ever said
anything. He puts his head against the door. "And please don't say
anything to the other guys."
JC walks over and puts a gentle hand on the arm reaching for the
doorknob. "Lance, of course I'm not going to say anything. That's
yours to tell, or not--whichever you need. You can trust me. And--
and you can talk to me, if you ever want someone to talk to. I've,
um, sort of, um, dealt with some of the same stuff."
Lance's arm tingles where JC's hand is touching it. Without turning
around, he asks, "You have?"
"Yeah. And I haven't told anyone else, either, so, you know . . . "
Lance's head snaps up. "What? Told anyone about what? JC, are
you . . . are you . . . ?" but he can't say it because he hasn't even
admitted it to himself.
"Yeah, I'm gay, Lance." Lance lets out the breath he'd been holding
and turns around. The close proximity to his friend makes him hot
again, so he steps away from the door. "But what about Bobbie? I
don't understand. How can you be gay?"
"Bobbie is--was--me trying to prove to myself that I was straight."
"When did you realize you weren't?"
"I think I always knew. I just wasn't too good at admitting it. I guess
I'm still not."
"I think you're very brave. It took a lot of guts to say that, J. I mean
that. I know I couldn't. I mean, can't."
"You will. When you're ready."
"So, you know. About me."
"Well, you said it wasn't a girl that you were thinking about. And
you asked me not to tell the guys. That's all. But I suppose I
shouldn't jump to conclusions."
"What if I said you're not jumping? What if I said you're dead right?"
"Am I? Lance, come on. Let's go sit down. We don't need to
discuss this in the doorway." JC leads Lance to the old, lumpy
couch in the corner and they sit. JC remembers what it was like for
him, figuring this stuff out. And he'd had no one to talk to. Maybe
he could spare Lance that. "How long have you known, Lance?"
The question almost makes him smile. It was so direct, so to the
point. He stares at his hands. "I guess . . . for a while now. I mean,
I like girls, I do. But now . . . "
"So it's recent? For me it was like something I felt all my life, but
didn't put a name to it till a couple of years ago."
"No, I mean, I guess I have been . . . I just . . . I couldn't . . . I
mean, where I grew up you just didn't talk about stuff like this. But
when I joined this group . . . I don't know, I just felt . . . different. I
don't even know what I'm saying."
"You don't have to, Lance. This isn't a test or anything. I just--I
dealt with all this without anyone to talk to. I don't want you to,
"Thanks, JC. I guess I never would have guessed--I mean, you hide
it pretty well. I don't think the other guys know. I know I didn't."
"I'm just not ready, you know?"
"Yeah. I know. Believe me, I know. I can't believe I'm even telling
"You know you can trust me, right?"
"Yeah, I guess. But JC, remember when I said it wasn't a girl I was
thinking about?"
"I wasn't thinking about a girl cause . . . Iwasthinkingaboutyou."
"Y-y-you what?"
"Oh shit, I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Forget I ever said
that, C, I'm sorry I'm gonna go now. Shit."
"Sit down, Lance. You've really got to stop trying to leave the room
every time you say something interesting."
"That wasn't interesting. That was humiliating."
"It would only be humiliating if my response were 'Sorry, Lance, but
I'm not attracted to you at all.' But it isn't. So sit down and talk to
"Just forget what I said because that was really stupid of me and I
shouldn't have put you on that spot like that. This whole thing is
just . . . so confusing."
"But I don't want to forget what you said. Unless you didn't mean it.
So? Did you mean it, Lance, or are you just playing me?"
"No! I mean, no, I'm not playing you. But C, I've never liked a guy
before. What you're asking me to say . . . I've never admitted to anyone."
"You already said it, Lance."
"Yeah, well, I shouldn't have."
"So, what, you're taking it back? You tell me you think about me,
you get me to admit that I think about you, then, what? 'Oh, I was
just kidding'?"
"Gosh, no, JC. Why are you doing this? Why are you making me
talk about this? Wait . . . do you? Do you think about me?"
"Well, I'm not sure if I want to admit it if you're just gonna throw it
back in my face."
"You think I would do that to you, C? In all the time I've known you
have I ever done anything like that?"
"You kinda just did, Lance. Look, let's try this again. You're
attracted to me, I'm attracted to you. Is that about right so far?"
"You're . . . attracted to me?"
"You gonna make me keep saying it, Lance?"
"Josh, why haven't you ever said anything before?"
"I couldn't. Not when I thought you were straight."
"But you can say it now. Now that you know . . . I'm, you know."
"Say it, Lance. Even if you don't say it to anyone else for a really
long time, you'll feel better for having said it out loud at least
"I-I can't, Josh! I can't say it! It goes against everything I've ever
been taught!"
"I know, Lance. I felt the same way. I won't push you. But it's part
of who you are. And refusing to say the word isn't gonna change
"You want me to say it? I'll say it! I'll say it! I'm GAY! I'm GAY!
Are you happy now, Josh? ARE YOU HAPPY?"
JC reaches out and touches Lance's arm soothingly. "Lance, this
isn't about me right now. Tell me honestly, don't you feel a little
bit better for having said it? Just this once?"
Lance crumples on the couch, shoulders hunched. He still feels
angry, but he also feels a sense of . . . relief? "Yeah. No. Heck, I
don't know. Yeah, I guess I do." He covers his face with his hands.
"What am I gonna do, C?"
JC rubs Lance's shoulders soothingly. "Do? What do you mean,
"I can't be gay, JC. What will my parents say? What will the guys
say? I can't hide this forever."
"No, probably not forever, but you don't have to tell anyone till
you're ready. And whatever else might happen, Lance, I'm your
friend. You're not alone."
Lance takes his hands away from his face and slumps over his
knees. "You know, I wouldn't have said anything at all if it hadn't
been for that darned dance step."
"Are you really, REALLY sorry that I know, Lance?"
There's a long pause, then a very quiet, "No."
"Good." JC touches Lance's shoulders again, letting his hand slide
up and down the slumped back in a comforting way.
The touch is electric and Lance shudders as the soothing hand rubs his
back so tenderly. Before, if JC touched him like this he took it as one friend
touching another. JC is still his friend, but now, after confessing his secret,
Lance feels so much more. "JC . . . "
"Yeah?" JC's hand continues moving up and down Lance's back,
part comfort, part caress. Lance swallows, fear spreading through
his nerve endings. "What I said before. About not thinking of a girl
when I . . . when I said I was thinking of you . . . that's not the first
"Lance," JC whispers, almost afraid to speak. He's had a crush on
his bandmate for a long time, but thinking that Lance was straight,
he'd never allowed himself to think of anything developing. Now that
the possibility is there, he's nervous.
Lance looks up for the first time since the conversation started. He
looks over at JC. "I'm sorry. This must be making you pretty
"That's not it. It's just . . . " JC doesn't know how to say what he's
been thinking. He guesses he just needs to say it. "I-I've thought
about you, too, Lance. A lot. But I always thought it was
impossible. And it's kind of scary that now it may not be. Does that
make any sense?"
Lance stares at his hands, unable to look at his friend's beautiful
blue eyes. Beautiful--Lance can't believe he's having these thoughts
about his bandmate, his friend, his brother. "It makes perfect
sense. Because it terrifies me that I have these thoughts about
you. I--you think about ME?"
"All the time, Lance. It practically killed me, showing you that
dance step today. But no one else was gonna do it, you know?
They were too busy giving you a hard time. So I couldn't just leave
you hanging, you know? But it wasn't easy."
"You always step in, Josh. When everyone else teases me or gives
me a hard time about anything, you're always there defending me. I
want you to know how much I appreciate that. It . . . means a lot to
me. I know they're just kidding, but still. Especially with that
move." Now he does turn his head so he can see JC's face. "But
JC, when you put your hand . . . when you were standing . . . "
Lance brings his fingers to his mouth and starts chewing his nails.
JC gently pulls Lance's hand away from his mouth. "You don't want
to do that, Lance. You know how hard you worked to quit." This
finally draws a smile from Lance. He never realized it before, but JC
knows him so well.
"Now what were you saying? About when I showed you the step?"
Lance rubs his hands nervously on his thighs, needing something do with his hands. "I, um, I . . . when you . . . when I
touched . . . oh shit." He rises, crosses to the other side of the
room, and scratches his head. "I like it when you touch me."
"Then what are you doing way over there?" Lance freezes. "I don't
know." He takes a tentative step forward, but his feet seem welded
to the floor.
JC rises and walks over to Lance. He reaches with one hand to
cradle Lance's cheek. "Lance," he says softly. "I don't want to
push you, I don't want to rush you. But I would very much like to
kiss you. If that's okay."
"I-I've never kissed a guy before." He begins to back up until he hits
the wall, JC matching him step for step. He's terrified, but his eyes
are full of hope.
"No time like the present," JC whispers, and very gently presses
his lips to Lance's. He continues to kiss Lance, small, light,
nondemanding kisses, until he feels Lance respond, then he pulls
back to look into Lance's eyes.
"Wow," is the only word that comes to Lance’s mind. His cheeks
are flushed and he feels a heat rising that he's never felt with any girl. He
licks his lips, wanting to confirm what just happened. "Do it again.
JC grins. "Well, since you asked so nicely . . . " This time, JC
takes Lance's face in both his hands, leaning in to claim those lips
again. The kisses are a little hungrier, a little less gentle, but still
JC's lips are moist and warm against Lance's and before he knows
what he's doing he kisses back. His hands, which were
momentarily clenched into fists at his sides, begin to rise as if on
their own to JC's chest and up to his neck. I'm kissing JC Chasez,
Lance thinks. Oh my gosh, I'm kissing JC Chasez. His mind
screams, STOP! This is a SIN! but his body screams, Oh YES!
Suddenly, the hands which had begun touching his friend push him
away, and Lance retreats away from the wall which has been
holding him up. "No, oh my gosh," he blurts out, "this is so
we shouldn't be doing this. What am I doing?" His hand nervously
fingers his hair as he begins pacing.
JC, never caught off guard, always graceful, stumbles awkwardly
now, first back when Lance pushes him, then forward, into the wall
as he tries to catch his balance. He leans his forehead against the
cool glass for a moment, trying to compose himself. How, he wonders,
can things go from so good to so bad, this quickly? One moment
there's this hot, sweet presence in his arms--someone he's wanted
for so long and had been sure he could never have. And the next
moment, this very same someone is pushing him away, telling him
how wrong this is--how wrong HE is. JC finally turns to face the
pacing figure. He leans against the wall, catlike, all his grace
restored. To a casual onlooker he would look relaxed, sensual,
even. Unless that onlooker caught a glimpse the pain and confusion
in his eyes.
Lance can still feel the sensation of JC's lips on his own as he tries
to work out in his head what just happened. He never had a kiss
like that before. It felt . . . electric. He's afraid to even look at JC,
afraid of what that will stir in him, but he does, finally, realizing
what he just did to his older friend. JC stands there, his back
against the mirrored wall, cool, calm, and collected, as he always
is, even under stressful situations. He's always been laid back, but
now Lance is afraid JC will just shrug the whole thing off. "I'm so
sorry, JC, I didn't mean to . . . I don't want you to think I didn't like
it. Heaven help me, I did. But . . . you're my BANDMATE for
goodness' sake! I can't be kissing my bandmate!"
"You just did, Lance," JC says quietly, reasonably. "And if I'm
judge, you liked it, too. Right until you shoved me away like I was
attacking you or something."
For the first time, Lance sees the hurt in JC's eyes. HURT. He's
hurt that I pushed him away. And if he's hurt that must mean it
_meant_ something to him. More than just some experimental kiss
between friends. Lance is more confused than ever. Hurting JC is
the last thing he wants to do--what he really wants to do, he can't
even think about. Because to think about it is to admit that he
wants it, LIKES it, and he's still trying to deal with the fact that it's
WRONG. Wait, why is it wrong? Why is kissing someone you like
so wrong, whether that person is a guy or a girl? His parents, and
his church even, have always taught him to treat ALL people with
kindness and respect, regardless of race, gender, or . . . or . . .
c'mon, Lance, say it--sexual orientation. He doesn't even realize
he's mumbled these last words. "You're right, JC, I did like it. I DO
like it." He falls back to the couch again, and starts picking lint off
his orange sweat pants. "The thing is . . . I like . . . YOU. This is
not just about kissing a guy, this is about kissing YOU."
"Well, if it's about kissing me, it should be about treating me like a
person, too, Lance. Not some toy that you discard when you're
tired of playing with it." JC presses his hands against the mirror,
pushing himself upright and away, a move that makes the muscles
of his chest and arms ripple against the tight fabric of his t-shirt.
For all his seeming nonchalance, he leaves nervous hand prints on
the mirror. He walks over to stand in front of Lance, not trusting
himself yet to sit next to him. He gazes down at Lance for a long
moment before finally saying, softly, "I like you, too. Lance. I've
liked you for a long time. I liked you when I was sure it wasn't
possible that you could like me back. I know you're scared, but
believe me, so am I."
Lance turns his pale, green eyes upward to the towering figure of
one of his best friends. He's beautiful, Lance thinks. "I'm sorry I
shoved you. I didn't mean to do that. I was just so scared. I've never
kissed a guy before and when you did it and I LIKED it . . . I just
didn't know how to react. You're always so together, so cool about
everything. I guess I never thought you would like me back. Not in
THAT way, at least."
"Well now you know. We both know." JC sits, not too close but
close enough to touch if either of them chooses. "What we don't
know is what we're gonna do about it. I've always believed that the
person I'm gonna be with should be my best friend first. We've got
that, Lance. Don't you think that's a start?"
"Yeah, I do, C. You know I'm your friend." Lance is relieved that JC
decided to sit. He wants to be able to look him in the eye. And he
wants to know that JC isn't mad. "As for what we do now . . . JC,
do you think we're going to go to hell?"
"No, Lance, I don't. I really don't. Why would God make us like this
if it's so wrong?"
"I don't know. That's what I can't figure out. I think I'm a pretty good
person. And I KNOW you're a good person. But the bible says that
we're not supposed to be doing this. Why would it say that if it's
okay to be . . . gay?" He still has trouble saying it, still feels like
he's going to choke, because now that word applies to HIM.
"I read a book once, where the author said that what the Bible was
really talking about was not like gay relationships, but other kinds
of sex. Like raping conquered people to show supremacy. Or just
sex for sex's sake. Orgies." He grins when Lance's eyes widen.
"That kind of thing. And that made sense to me. Cause the Bible
also say that the greatest gift is love. So how can loving someone
be wrong?" JC lets the words hang there, not sure if he will have
terrified Lance by bringing the l-word into the conversation.
JC makes so much sense. How does he do that? How can he
make something so wrong seem so right? And that makes Lance
smile and shake his head, because it sounds like a line from a
cheesy love song. Lance is glad HE'S not writing songs for the
group or they'd all end up sounding like Barry Manilow. Then his
brow furrows as he tries to understand what JC is saying. The bible
does talk about love, about loving your fellow men. "I just . . . feel
so guilty feeling this way, you know? And that makes me mad
because I shouldn't have to feel guilty about liking someone. About
liking you. It's not fair, C."
"No, it's not. But do you think . . . " JC looks hopefully into
eyes. " . . . is it worth it to you to try to get beyond that? Lance?"
A lump forms in Lance's throat, and he wills it away. Timidly, he
reaches for JC's hand and touches it with his fingertips. JC makes
it all seem so right, so good. And the thought of being more than
just friends with JC--Lance can't even count the number of times
he's watched him, wanting to be closer to him, wanting to tell him
how he feels. "Yeah, C, it is. I want to."
JC is uncharacteristically still for a long moment, looking down at
Lance's fingers touching his hand. He turns his hand palm up and
intertwines their fingers and finally looks up, giving Lance a huge,
almost dazzling smile. Not his professional stage dazzle, though,
but something truly genuine. And very, very happy.
JC's smile is contagious. When he sees that lightening hasn't
struck, that the floor hasn't caved in and swallowed them both,
Lance smiles back. He feels such a warmth spread through him
that he's never felt before. Lance moves a little closer. "Um, JC?"
"Yeah, Lance?" Lance moves closer, so that his thigh is pressed
against JC's. "Can we," he leans in just a little bit, "try that
. . . oh
heck," and before JC can react he presses his lips against his
It's a good thing JC's sitting down, because he sure didn't expect
this. Lance's kisses are still pretty chaste, but they are SO hot. JC
snakes one arm around Lance's waist, and the other caresses his
hair. How Lance can go from talking about hell and damnation one
minute to sweet, hot kisses the next is beyond JC. Not that he's
complaining. He pulls Lance's lower lip between his own and
worries it gently with his teeth, something he's wanted to do every
time he's watched Lance bite his own lip.
Lance feels a bolt of electricity shoot through him as JC's hand
comes around his waist. He shifts slightly, leaning in even more,
and JC's mouth on his drives all evil thoughts from his mind. How
can something so good, so DELICIOUS, be evil? Small moans of
delight rumble in his throat, and he's reluctant to pull away, but he
does. When he speaks, his voice cracks. "Wow, JC. Wow. That
was . . . WOW. I always wondered what it would be like to kiss
you. Wow."
JC grins. "Yeah, wow about sums it up." He pulls Lance to him
again, pressing him close. When their lips meet this time, he
ventures out with his tongue, tracing the shape of Lance's lips,
letting Lance get used to the sensation. The hand in Lance's hair
slides downward, following the line of his throat and lightly playing
over his collarbone within his shirt. JC's tongue tickles Lance's lips,
and he smiles into the kiss.
It's a knee-jerk reaction, and Lance isn't even in control of it; when
he feels JC's fingers on his skin he flinches. He'd never been
touched that way by a guy and this is the first time he's been
touched that way by his FRIEND.
JC immediately withdraws his fingers. "Sorry," he whispers against
Lance's mouth. He moves his hand back up into Lance's hair, this
time brushing it back from his forehead, another thing he's longed
to do and never could.
Lance knows he has to relax. It's not like JC is trying to rape him.
It's a kiss. And a touch. And there's nothing wrong with that, Lance, he tells himself. He concentrates, instead, on the soft lips
pressed against his. And soon he finds himself touching those lips
with his tongue, just brushing against them, and then parting them
and slipping his tongue inside.
Lance keeps surprising JC. Flinching at an innocent touch one
moment, pushing his tongue into JC's mouth the next. But he just
wouldn't be Lance if he weren't this bundle of contradictions. And
that's the Lance that JC is falling in love with. Wow. That's the first
time he's let himself think that, and at the thought he
unconsciously hugs Lance more tightly to him. He meets Lance's
tongue with his own, feeling a jolt of connection as they taste each
This time, when JC pulls him closer, Lance doesn't flinch. He
allows each touch, each moment their lips are locked, to advance
him to the next level of . . . whatever this was. He can't believe how
attractive JC is. He's always thought it, but never thought he could
act on it. And it scares him, more than anything has.
Lance doesn't know what to do with his hands; up until now he's
kept them at his sides, pressed tightly into the seat cushion. But
now he starts to slide one hand up to JC's waist and gingerly rests
it there.
JC feels Lance relaxing and responding in small ways. And small
ways are fine with him. They've got all the time in the world. And
when kisses are this hot, this delicious--well, JC could happily sit
here on this lumpy old couch and do nothing more than kiss Lance
for hours and hours. JC feels Lance's hand settle softly at his
waist, and that tentative touch is more arousing than the most
experienced, most assured touch could have been. This time,
when JC again allows his hand to roam, this time caressing
Lance's chest through his t-shirt, Lance doesn't flinch.
Lance hears soft sounds coming from his mouth, and when JC's
hand comes into contact with his chest his eyes grow wide.
Instead of being afraid, he leans into the hand. He's amazed at how
GOOD this feels, to be kissing someone he likes, really likes, even lo--NO! Don't go
there. Because JC couldn't possibly love him.
Not that way. Sure, he's not kissing him because he hates him,
but love? That's too much for Lance to hope for. Admitting he's gay
is one thing, finding out that JC wants to kiss him is another, and
hoping for a relationship with this gorgeous, kind, caring boy? Forget it,
Lance. But that doesn't stop him from wanting it. Oh,
how he wants it. JC's kisses are like none he's ever had; his whole
body feels so . . . alive. And he feels something else too.
Something he doesn't want to think about but can't help thinking
about with JC's hand on his chest. "JC," he whispers, coming up
for air. "I don't want you to think I'm doing this as some sort of
JC can't help smiling. Lance is so sweet, so concerned. He had
always known what a nice guy he was, but in this moment of
vulnerability, he's practically irresistible. JC feels a momentary
flash of anger that this gentle, caring person actually had a
moment's worry that he was going to hell for loving
unconventionally. He pushes that though away, and focuses on the
worried green eyes. "Lance, don't you think I know that? Don't you
think I know who you are after all these years? You wouldn't try a
new kind of toothpaste as an experiment. You certainly wouldn't
mess with my heart as one."
Now Lance knows why JC is so good at writing songs. He's good
at putting his feelings into words, something that Lance was never
very good at. He hid behind his manners, behind this veil of polite
respect, but he was never able to come right out and tell someone
how he really felt, not unless he knew them really well. Lance
smiles at JC's analogy, but then his brow furrows as he once again
gets serious. "No, I wouldn't. You're important to me JC. Not just
as a friend." He suddenly feels the need to put some distance
between them, because he doesn't think he can say what he wants
to say with those sparkling blue eyes staring at him. He springs to
his feet and brings his hand to his mouth, stopping just in time
before chewing on his nails again, remembering JC's words. So he
crosses to the table holding the CD player and fidgets with an
empty jewel case. "Joey's my friend. Chris is my friend. Justin's
my friend. But you . . . I mean, you're my friend too, but I don't feel
about the others the way I feel about you." He drops the CD case
on the table and throws his head back, rolling his eyes toward the
ceiling. "I'm not making any sense."
JC remains on the couch, letting Lance figure out what he wants to
say. He says gently, and with a touch of humor in his voice, "No,
you're not really making a lot of sense. But if you want to try again,
I'm listening."
Gosh, JC is so relaxed, Lance thinks, which makes him even
more nervous. He faces JC and leans against the table, hands
gripping it, and bounces his butt against the edge. He stares at his
feet. "Remember when we were in Cancun for the MTV spring
break thing? And we shared a room?" He doesn't wait for JC to
answer. "Well, I really liked that. That we shared a room. And you
know how in photo shoots sometimes you put your arm around
me? I know it's just for the picture, but I like that too. And . . . when
we're flying somewhere and you fall asleep--sometimes I just watch
you. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm saying these things." He
smiles, embarrassed and feeling like he's five years old.
JC wants to go wrap his arms around Lance, but he senses it's the
wrong moment. "Does it help any to know that I like those things,
too? Lance, these are all normal things. When you lo-like
someone, you want to be near them. And you do silly stuff like
watch them sleep. And you think the weirdest things are cute--like
you when you sneeze. That's just, that's how it is."
Lance's head snaps up. He thought he heard . . . but no, it couldn't
be. He's smiling though. "You think I'm cute when I sneeze? That
IS weird." Then he looks at his feet again and starts to fidget. "It's
normal when it's a guy and a girl, but when it's a guy and a guy? I
mean, I WATCH you JC, the way a guy watches a girl."
"You're still thinking in narrow categories. You watch me, Lance,
and I watch you, like a person who likes another person does.
That's all."
"Yeah, but when I watch you I want to . . . I want to touch you.
Shit, I sound like a stalker."
JC shakes his head. This time he does get up and walk over to
Lance, placing his hands lightly on the younger boy's shoulders.
"Baby, it's not stalking when it's mutual." He grins.
maybe, but not stalking."
Lance laughs and shakes his head, still looking down, but when
JC's hands touch his shoulder he raises his eyes. He looks to the
right, at the strong, capable hand and then back up at JC's face. He's
amazing, Lance thinks to himself. _So handsome and so
kind. And so sexy. No, bad thought, Lance, bad thought. Shut up, he tells himself.
This is what I want and it's not wrong. It
can't be. It just can't be. "So," he says softly. "What do we do
"Do? Whatever you want. I'm in no hurry, Lance. I know we're
gonna be together eventually, and that's enough for me. We can
take this slow, if you want."
JC's confidence rattles Lance. It really is like he can see right into
his heart. Lance nods, suddenly feeling too weak to say anything.
Being so close to JC makes the heat rise in him again. And being
so close to JC knowing what he now knows makes him ache with
desire. JC has opened a door for him, and all Lance has to do is
step through. Burn in hell? Maybe. But right now Lance is willing to
take the risk. He lifts his hands from the table and stands up
straight, so he is nearly eye level with JC. He closes his eyes and
leans forward, and with all the faith he can muster, touches his lips
to JC's.
JC's hands go instinctively to Lance's waist as Lance leans into
him. His head is starting to spin with all of Lance's sudden
changes of mood and direction, but it's a lovely, exciting spin. He
deepens the kiss, his tongue darting into Lance's mouth, caressing
Lance's own tongue, the roof of his mouth, his teeth, his lips.
Lance moans as JC's tongue probes his mouth. As if on their own,
his hands reach up to caress JC's face. He needs to know he's
real, that this is real. He traces the soft skin around JC’s eyes and
the curve of his cheekbones. He's never felt more exhilarated than
he does at this moment.
Lance's gentle touches move JC as much as his kisses arouse
him. His thoughts of taking this slow flee, and his hands tug at
Lance's waist, urging him down to the floor.
Lance allows himself to be lowered to the floor, and he kneels
along with JC, not sure of what he's doing, but having made the
decision to put himself in JC's care he's not going to back down
now. JC maneuvers them all the way down to the floor. He places
his hands on either side of Lance's head, looking intently down at
the younger boy. "Anytime you want me to stop, Lance, I will. But
until you give me the word, I'm just gonna try to make you feel SO
Fear rises in Lance as he realizes the position he's in. He never
thought he'd be laying underneath another guy's body, but here he
is. Then he looks into JC's eyes--there's nothing predatory about
them. He sees only concern, desire, and something else.
Something Lance himself feels. He nods, and, with a hand at the
back of JC's neck, pulls the older boy down to him.
JC allows himself to be pulled, kissing Lance hungrily. He supports
his weight on one hand, and the other cups Lance's face toward
him. The hand slips from Lance's face, down his neck, and dips
inside the shirt to touch the collarbone, as before. But this time,
Lance doesn't flinch. JC's hand continues down over Lance's chest,
pausing to rub one nipple through the thin fabric. His hand then
seeks the hem of the garment, and slips under it, his cool fingers
fanning out over the muscles of Lance's warm stomach.
Lance takes a deep breath as JC's hand reaches under his shirt.
JC's touch is light, and it tickles a bit while Lance gets used to the
sensation. He tries not to squirm. His own hands wander around
JC's back, rubbing the firm muscles.
JC lets his lips drift over Lance's face till he finds one small ear. He
traces the shape with his tongue, before taking the earlobe
between his teeth and nibbling gently. In the meantime, his hand
climbs upward beneath Lance's t-shirt, seeking and finding an
already hard nipple, which he rolls gently between thumb and
forefinger. "Mmmmmm, Lance," he breathes into the younger
boy's ear, his breath hot on Lance's neck.
Lance gasps and grips JC tightly. "Oh, Josh," he murmurs. With
JC's weight on top of him, his crotch is grinding into JC's, and he
can feel his groin tingling at the contact. He can't believe how good
it feels to have JC touch him like that.
JC raises himself up a bit. "I'm going to take this shirt off you,
okay?" At Lance's slight nod, he lifts the younger boy's torso and
strips the shirt off him. He lays him carefully back, asking "You
okay? Is this floor too uncomfortable? Cause we can move."
Lance is touched, but not surprised by JC's concern. JC has
always been sensitive of others' needs. "No," he says smiling.
"Actually, I feel pretty good right now." In truth, he's still a
scared, but something in JC's eyes is so reassuring that even with
the loss of his shirt Lance doesn't feel as vulnerable as he thought
he would. JC said they could stop at any time, but right now that's
the furthest thing from Lance's mind. He lifts his hands to JC's
biceps--he loves the feel of those tight muscles through his soft t-
JC smiles back at Lance, and when their lips meet again, they're
both still smiling. JC can't believe how giddy he feels. He's thought
about how it would be with Lance, plenty of times. But the reality is
so much better than the fantasy. Lance is just so damned . . .
sweet. Weird word to use for a guy, but it's the one that keeps
coming to him.
He lets his hands drift over Lance's chest again as they kiss,
learning the curves, the shape of the muscles, before capturing the
nipple he had neglected before in his fingers. His mouth travels
slowly over Lance's chin, down to his throat, leaving a trail of little
kisses. He sweeps his tongue along the curve of Lance's
collarbone, noticing that Lance doesn't flinch as he did when JC
used his fingers in the same way earlier. In fact, if the small
sounds emanating from Lance's throat are any indication, Lance is
enjoying this as much as he is.
Before Lance is aware of what he's doing, his hand has traveled up
JC's arm to his head, where he begins to run his fingers through
the silky, dark brown strands. He sighs as JC's lips touch his skin,
and when his tongue passes over his adam's apple Lance moans.
As he feels his trust in JC grow, he finds his hands drifting lower,
down JC's back again, and he finds himself lifting JC's shirt to
touch the warm, smooth skin underneath.
JC smiles against Lance's skin, pleased that Lance is becoming
bolder, more responsive. His mouth begins to move over Lance's
chest, very slowly, kissing every bit of skin his lips can reach.
When his mouth hovers over Lance's heart, he pauses for a long
time, pressing his lips to the flesh, feeling the strong, rapid
heartbeat pounding right through him.
Lance throws his head back, as far as the floor will allow and
closes his eyes. "Oh Josh," he moans, because he can't formulate
any words, not with JC's lips against him. Never in his life did he
think it would feel THIS good to be with someone you . . . care
about. He still can't bring himself to admit what he's really feeling.
Yes, JC is doing things to him that are driving him wild, but that
doesn't mean he feels as strongly about Lance as Lance does
about him. Lance thinks about all of the times he's fantasized
about this moment but pushed those fantasies deep down. Now,
he can make them a reality and it terrifies him. As JC moves along
Lance's chest, Lance tries to pull JC's shirt off. He doesn't want JC
to stop, but he wants to know what it would feel like to have JC's
skin against his own.
JC pauses just long enough to allow Lance to pull his shirt off, then
he returns his attention to Lance's chest. He watches the rapid
rising and falling for a moment, admiring the smooth, pale skin, the
gently swelling muscles. He waits till he hears Lance say his name
again--and it's such a turn-on to have Lance call him Josh--then he
leans over and spirals his tongue around one waiting nipple. He
moves very slowly, drawing it out as long possible, finally allowing
his tongue to brush over the tight flesh. He blows on the wetness
he has left, feeling Lance shudder in his arms, and only when he
hears Lance moan does he take the nipple into his mouth. He
suckles and caresses for a long time, his hand imitating his mouth
on the other nipple, till he shifts and replaces that hand with his
What is he doing to me? Lance thinks, his mind a blur. It was
NEVER this way with Danielle. She would never do these things to
him, and she certainly never made him feel this way. JC's tongue is
hot against his nipple, and Lance finds himself grinding his hips
into JC's thigh before he even realizes what he's doing. When JC
pauses and lifts his head and shoulders slightly, Lance shyly
brushes his fingertips against JC's chest, then pulls them away
just as quickly.
The barely-there touch makes JC shiver. He loves that Lance
keeps making these tentative gestures, trying to overcome his
shyness, but honestly, that isn't what this is about, right now. With
every action, every kiss he tries to tell Lance without words that
this isn't about something he, JC, wants Lance to do to him, but
rather, about giving Lance pleasure. And he's never felt this with
anyone before. Not that he's been a selfish or an inconsiderate
lover, but his own pleasure has always been foremost in his mind.
This time, it's secondary, and his pleasure arises from what he can
give to Lance.
As he continues to tease Lance's nipples, moving from one to the
other in response to Lance's moans, JC brushes his hand over the
hardness at Lance's groin, waiting for the inevitable flinch. When it
doesn't happen, he gives a surer, firmer caress.
Lance bites his lip when he JC presses his hand against the
growing hardness at his crotch. This is how it all started, after all.
He focuses his eyes on the ceiling, trying to bite back the cry of
pleasure that threatens to escape his lips. He moves to put his
hand over JC's, but stops himself. No, he tells himself, it's okay
to let him do this. It's okay. There is nothing wrong with this. He
wants to touch JC, to run his hands over the beautiful body on top
of him, but he's unsure of what to do. JC is so giving; he's never
had a lover so attentive to his needs before. Lance freezes.
LOVER? Did he just think that? Is that what this is? Lance tries his
best to push that thought away. He doesn't want to give himself
false hope. But my gosh, JC is amazing--he doesn't want this to
JC lets his lips travel lower, as his hand continues to massage
Lance's erection through the soft fabric of his sweat pants. He
draws his tongue over Lance's stomach, dipping into his navel, and
is rewarded with a laugh from ticklish Lance. The laugh is amazing--
JC can FEEL it start in Lance's stomach long before he hears it.
JC's tongue follows the line of hairs down to the elastic of Lance's
sweat pants, then he runs his tongue under the waistband, from
hipbone to hipbone. He stops for a moment, laying his head on
Lance's stomach and just breathing him in. Then he sits up, and
moving to Lance's feet, unties and removes his sneakers, then his
socks. He reaches up, hooks his fingers under the waistband of
Lance's sweat pants, and begins sliding them and his underwear
off, lifting both garments carefully over the swelling protuberance.
He pulls the garments over Lance's feet, then gazes down at him. If
the amazing body weren't enough to quicken his pulse, the
gorgeously flushed face would be. "You're so beautiful," he
Everything happens so fast, Lance doesn't have time to react. One
minute he's laying there, having the most gorgeous creature ever to
walk the earth kiss him and touch and do things to him that set his
whole body on fire, and the next he's letting the same person
remove the rest of his clothing. As JC stares down at him, Lance
can feel the heat rising in his cheeks and suddenly wants to cover
himself. How can JC find him beautiful? Instead, he reaches a hand
up to JC's face, needing to touch those lips. He brushes them
lightly with his fingertips, rolls his eyes, and smiles. "I am not."
"You don't think so? Come here." JC rises and extends a hand,
pulling Lance up, and then leading him to the exact spot where this
all started, on the dance floor in front of the mirror. He can see that
Lance is looking everywhere BUT in the mirror. JC stands behind
Lance and takes his head in both hands, tilting it up. "I want you to
see what I see, Lance." He looks into the mirror himself, pleased at
what he sees. Lance IS beautiful, but THEY are beautiful, as well.
The blond hair and the dark; the angular, almost exotic features
and the round, almost pretty ones; pale skin and tanned. He runs
his hand through Lance's hair "I like looking at this, I like touching
it and finding out it's softer than it looks. You can't see it, but this,
here?" JC kisses the spot where Lance's hair meets his neck. "I
LOVE this." He presses more kisses onto Lance's neck, sprinkling
them also over his shoulders. "These," he says, rubbing a hand
over Lance's upper arm. "You've been working out for about two
weeks, and LOOK at you." He looks up and sees that Lance is
watching them in the mirror in spite of himself. He slides his hand
down to grasp Lance's. "And these. I can finally tell you how much
I love to watch your hands, whatever they're doing. How much I
love to imagine what they'd feel like touching me." He brings his
head back to lean his chin on Lance's shoulder, trying to meet his
eyes. "And your eyes. Lance, when you do your 'look' in photo
shoots, do you know how much I melt? How I wish you were
looking at me that way? Look at me that way, now, baby, please?"
JC feels the jolt go right through him when Lance meets his eyes in
the mirror smolderingly.
JC takes a deep breath before going on. He can't believe how
arousing this is. He sweeps his hand over Lance's chest, before
seeking one hard nipple. "So smooth, so perfect. And I can feel
your heart." JC pauses, then reaches down in a perfect imitation of
the dance move they had been working on earlier. "And this Lance,
and this." He touches lightly, and when Lance thrusts into his
hand, just as choreographed, he wraps his fingers around Lance's
heat. With the other hand, he turns Lance's face to meet his, and
as they kiss, he begins stroking Lance's erection with sure fingers.
JC feels Lance moan against his mouth, and he can't wait any
longer. With his dancer's grace, he has moved in front of Lance and
dropped to his knees. He kisses the tip of Lance's penis, then runs
his tongue from the base back up to the tip. He looks up at Lance's
face, flushed and surprised and needy, eyes shut. "Open your
eyes, Lance," he growls. "I want you to see how beautiful you are. I
want you to watch me loving you."
This must be a dream, Lance thinks. This cannot possibly be
happening. What JC made him do, what he tells him, is beyond
reality. Lance did not want to look at himself--does not like looking
at himself--in the mirror. It makes him terribly self-conscious, and
even when people tell him he looks good he just doesn't feel
comfortable. But when JC says it he is so sincere that Lance's
heart melts. JC Chasez is telling him he's beautiful! JC, with his
sculpted dancer's body and model's face. Lance gazes down at the
face staring up at him. What he sees stuns him. JC looks at him
with such adoration Lance thinks he's going to sink to his knees.
But JC's hands on his hips hold him steady. Finally, he raises his
eyes to the mirror. His jade eyes greet him and his face is flushed
with the fever of someone in the heat of passion. But he doesn't
want to watch himself; he wants to see JC. JC with the kind, sexy
eyes and the full, kissable lips. Lance cradles his head gently as
JC brings his mouth to his waiting erection. "Josh, please," he
begs. "I . . . I don't deserve this."
"You deserve the best, Lance, but you'll just have to settle for me."
JC surrounds Lance's hardness with the warmth of his mouth,
sliding his hands around Lance to clasp his round, firm buttocks--
another thing that JC loves to look at that he neglected to mention.
Relaxing his throat--vocal training comes in so handy sometimes--
he takes Lance into his mouth as far as he can, then pulls back,
swirling his tongue around the tip before plunging down again. One
hand comes around to cup and cuddle Lance's balls as he
continues to engulf his erection with heat. JC feels when Lance's
legs start to shake, he feels when the touch on his head becomes
not a caress but a grip. He knows when Lance's knees start to get
weak. He pulls back long enough to whisper "Let me hold you. I
won't let you fall," and then his mouth is teasing and caressing
Lance's aching hardness once more.
Lance shuts his eyes tightly--he wants to scream, but he knows
these room aren't soundproof. If only JC knew what he was doing to
him. "Josh, I . . . oh my gosh . . . Josh . . . ," he pants. He lowers
his head--he wants to see JC's face, JC's magnificent face. Lance
can feel the heat of JC's mouth on his throbbing erection, the
wetness of his tongue. He can't believe he's inside the place that
creates the most beautiful sounds. That thought alone sends him
over the edge, because when Lance hears JC sing he feels as
though his legs will give out and his heart will melt right through his
chest. He tries to thrust gently, but JC's touch is driving him over
the edge, and this time he does cry out as he releases his orgasm.
"Josh," he sighs.
JC holds Lance steady as Lance spasms into his mouth. He waits
until Lance is done, then releases his softening member. JC sits
back on his heels, pulling Lance down with him until Lance is
sitting on his thighs, straddling him. He enfolds the younger boy in
his arms, cradling him tenderly until he stops trembling.
"JC, I . . .you . . . WOW!" he hugs the older boy tightly, afraid that
if he lets go JC will suddenly disappear. "That was . . . incredible."
Then he does pull back, so he can see his lover's face. Yes, his
lover. Maybe not now, but he will be soon. "YOU are incredible.
You make me feel so . . . I don't even know. So RIGHT. What you
just did . . ., " he blushes and looks down, but looks up quickly
because looking down means seeing his nakedness and he'd
much rather look at JC naked, but that will have to wait. At least
until he has his say. Then he kisses JC. Not desperately, not full of
fear, but tenderly and full of love. "You don't know what you mean
to me, JC Chasez. Do you know how many girls would KILL to be
in my shoes right now?" He blushes again, as he realizes he's not
wearing even that much.
JC grins at Lance. He loves it when he blushes. "You want your
shoes, babe?" He pretends to struggle to rise and retrieve the
errant footwear, but he really just gathers Lance closer. He draws
him into another deep kiss, letting Lance taste himself on JC's lips
and tongue.
"You're not going anywhere," Lance growls, when they finally part.
He strokes JC's back and his lowers his eyelids slightly. "Remind
me to thank Darren for teaching us that move."
"You keep looking at me like that and neither of us is ever gonna
leave this room. Ever." JC stares back at Lance for a long moment,
speechless at what he's seeing in those amazing jade eyes. Then
he's kissing Lance as if Lance were food and water and oxygen
and survival.
Lance falls backward on the floor, pulling JC on top of him. He
lands with a resounding "Ooomf" and laughs into JC's mouth. "We
keep this up, and we're going to need to have Johnny take out an
extra insurance policy."
JC laughs. "It would be worth it just to see his face as we try to
explain the liability of making love in a dance studio." JC strokes
Lance's even messier than usual hair back from his face. Lance's
face grows serious. "Is that what we're doing?"
"What do you think?"
Lance touches his fingers to JC's face. He loves touching his face.
He loves that he has the freedom to touch his face. That he can
touch JC and no one is stopping him. "I am if you are?" He smiles,
but realizing that this is not a time to joke, looks away, but then he
sees the image in the mirror--Lance completely naked with JC on
top of him. He can't move with JC on top of him, and he can't look
in the mirror, so he shifts his eyes back to the sensitive, wonderful
boy whose body is pressed against him in such a way that he
doesn't think he can be naked for much longer without doing
something about it. He swallows and opens his mouth to speak,
but finds that the words get caught in his throat.
"Lance. Baby, don't cry."
"I . . . I didn't plan this, you know that . . . I didn't know this would
happen and I don't want to put pressure on you because we both
know how bad that can be in a relationship . . . shit. Shit shit shit."
He turns his head, facing away from the mirror. He didn't even know
he was going to cry but once he starts speaking the tears just
come. He's not a big crier to begin with, but somehow, with the
confession and then JC being so . . . JC . . . and now this, it all
just starts pouring forth like a drain that's finally been unclogged.
JC sits up and leaning against the wall, gathers Lance up into his
lap, into his arms. Lance buries his face against his shoulder, and
JC just keeps rubbing his back in soothing circles, murmuring, "It's
okay, Lance. You're not putting pressure on me. I want this, too. I
WANT this. Shhhh. Shhhhhh." Lance starts to laugh, feeling more
than a little ridiculous sitting here on the floor, naked, being
comforted by the guy who just gave him his first male blow job. "I'm
sorry, I'm such a wreck." He wipes his face with the back of his
hand and sniffles. "But C, this is important. What just happened,
and where we go from here, it could change everything. It already
has. I mean, look at us."
"Believe me, I've been looking." JC brushes a stray tear from
Lance's face. "Yeah, this changes a lot of things. But do you really
think we have a choice? I mean, we have these feelings . . . "
"Yeah, we do." Lance, suddenly feeling the need to level the
playing field, rises from JC's arms to retrieve his pants. He doesn't
want to have this conversation in a brightly lit room wearing
nothing. He sits back down on the floor, knees up, facing JC. "I
mean, it's pretty obvious. I hope. Like I said, this isn't some
experiment for me, and I take it from what we just did--what YOU
just did," and here Lance blushes again and smiles at the memory,
"that it wasn't some trivial thing for you either. But JC, we've been
friends for a long time. If we take this step, we can't just go back to
being friends. I can't go back."
"Neither can I." JC reaches for Lance's hand, entwining their
fingers. "It's a risk. But some risks are just worth taking."
Lance stares at the hands. Such a simple gesture, like everything
about JC. He just makes it all so easy. "Yeah, I think it is." Lance
rubs JC's hand with his thumb. He tugs gently on it, drawing JC
closer. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and slowly leans
in, bringing his lips once again to JC's.
Relief pours over JC. He had really been afraid for a minute there
that in spite of what he was sure was genuine emotion, Lance was
going to talk himself into walking away from this. He leans into the
kiss, caressing Lance's cheek with his free hand.
Lance puts his hand at the back of JC's neck and pulls him closer. Now that
they've talked, Lance feels this newfound sense of freedom. And the sense
that this is just the beginning. He runs his tongue over JC's lips, tasting his
own salty essence on JC's moist mouth. Soon, his tongue is inside JC's
mouth, exploring every crevice.
JC's hand leaves Lance's face, sliding around to his back and
running up and down his spine. His tongue meets Lance's and they
duel and entwine, and still he clasps that one hand, that lifeline,
that connected them once again.