
by Karen and LB
© 2002

This is a perfect example of the distance between where we start and where we end up. This story was inspired by the pants Lance wore to the AMAs. We were having this conversation that went something like, "What did he have in there?" "Dirk." "I wonder if he had his cell phone." "No, because then his pants would have been ringing." "Dirk was in there taking messages." "I wonder what he's gonna wear on his wedding night. The whole wedding party could come marching out of his pants."

And our coworkers wonder why we crack up reading email.

So anyway, out of that, this story was born, and it turned out to be one of our most romantic. Hope you like it.


"Baby, couldn't we turn off the cell phone just this once?"

"But Josh, what if my mom tries to call?"

"She'll leave a message."

"It could be important."

"And this isn't?"

"Of course it is, but . . . she's my mom. She'll worry."

"Um, Lance? Your mom knows where we are and why we're here. Do you really think she'd call you on our wedding night?"

"JC! This is my mom you're talking about. She doesn't have to know about . . . that stuff."

"Not in a specific way, no, but your mom's a smart lady. I'm just saying she's not gonna bother us tonight. If that phone rings, it’s gonna be someone like Joey, drunk, giving us a hard time. Is that how you want to remember our wedding night?"

"Hearing Joey's voice? No thanks. You're right. I'm being crazy. I guess . . . I'm a little nervous. This being our wedding night and all."

"Me, too. It's kind of silly, but I am."

"You are? To tell you the truth, I'm sort of relieved."

"Why should there be all this pressure? It's just you and me and we love each other."

"I know. It's not that. It's that . . . we're going to be together for the rest of our lives. It's written in stone now, and there's no going back."

"That makes you nervous, Lance? That's the part I'm sure about."

"Are you? In sickness and health, for better or worse, till death do us part? All of that? You're sure about all of that?"

"I've never been surer of anything."

"Me too. Because I don't think I could live without you."

"Good. You were getting me worried there."

"I was getting YOU worried? I was getting ME worried. Look, even though this isn't a 'real' marriage, I love you for going through with the ceremony. It means a lot to me."

"It's real, baby. It's real."

"To you and me, maybe, but not to the rest of the world."

"Does that really matter? It's real to you and me, and the people who were there with us today."

"I know. I know you're right. It was an incredible day, and I love everyone for sharing it with us. But still . . . I feel like something's missing, you know?"

"What, baby? Tell me."

"I guess I just thought it would change things, make things different somehow. Make it all . . . real."

"Tell me what I can do, Lance. Please?"

"I don't think you can do anything. I know I can't do anything. Josh, I'm happy, I really am. But when I used to think of what it would be like to be married, I always thought it would be different. I love you. I love you and only you. And I'm gonna love you even after I'm dead. But it's not fair that the rest of the world doesn't see it that way."

"No, it's not. But you know I'd give that to you it I could."

"I know you would. But you give me so much more than that. And for that, I'm grateful."

"And there's a lot to be grateful for. We've got each other. We've got our families and friends. All those people who sat there today and listened to us pledge ourselves to each other, forever."

"Is there at least a part of you, Josh--a small part of you that regrets this? That maybe wonders if you should have waited and found someone . . . a girl . . . to marry?"

"Look at me, Lance. REALLY look at me. Do you see any doubt, any regret? YOU are what I want, Lance. You."

"And I want you too. I've always wanted you. But since this marriage isn't 'real' you know you always have an out."

"But I don't. I made a vow before God and everyone we know. I made a vow to YOU. That means more to me than any legal mumbo jumbo ever could."

"I love you for saying that, Josh. I really do. I meant every word I said today. And . . . I know you did too. I guess . . . I'm being so ridiculous . . . I'm just so nervous. I mean, right now, this very minute, we're starting our lives together. TOGETHER. You and me. Always and forever. Geez, I sound like a bad love song again."

"Baby, you couldn't sound like a bad anything." JC wraps his arms around Lance stilling his nervous gestures. "Stop worrying, PLEASE. I'm gonna make you so happy. I promise."

"You already do, Josh. You already do."

"I'm glad. Because you make me incredibly happy, too."

"Well, this is our honeymoon. We're supposed to be happy."

"Yeah. And Lance? I'm really glad we waited."

"Me too. I mean, I wasn't always sure about you. I kind of felt I was holding you back. You had so many . . . opportunities. But I love you so much for waiting, and I promise you, it will be worth it. I mean, I hope I'm worth it."

"I know you're worth it."

"You say that now, but I could suck in bed. I mean . . . you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean. But I'm not worried. I know how you make me feel just touching me. I know how you make me feel just kissing me."

"How do I make you feel?"

"Like everything I always thought was a cliche is true. Shivers up the spine. Weak in the knees. Like I forget how to breathe." JC looks at Lance very seriously. "I meant what I said, Lance. I'm glad we waited, but it was also one the hardest thing I've ever done. There were times when I wanted you so badly that I almost couldn't stand it. That's how you make me feel."

Lance reaches a hand up to touch JC's face, to make sure he's really here. Part of him wants to cry and the other part wants to throw JC on the bed and rip his clothes off. How can one man stir so many emotions? "I do all that to you? Wow. That must have been really . . . distracting." He brings his lips within millimeters of JC's as he says this.

"It was," JC agrees, bringing their lips very lightly together. "You know how many cold showers I've taken in the past two years?"

"I hope you're not all shrivelled up," Lance jokes, pulling at the waistband of JC's pants and pretending to peer inside.

"James Lance Bass! How lewd!" JC grins. "Besides, you picked out this tux, you really want to pull it all out of shape?"

"You're right," he says, matter-of-factly strolling over to the bed and reclining on his side, head resting on his hand. "Maybe you should just leave it on. For like, five or six hours. Me, I think I'll just get a little more comfortable." With one hand, he begins to undo his tie.

"More comfortable? That sounds promising." JC leans on the dresser and watches. "Show me."

Lance didn't realize JC would be so . . . into this. Now he's embarrassed he even started it. But he did, so he's not going to back down now. "Well, first I need to get rid of this tie." He has the knot of the dark, silk cloth open, and he slides it from the collar of his shirt. He regards it as he continues, "I mean, it's a nice tie and all, but I need to breathe." He kneels on the bed. "And I'm kind of hot in this jacket." He peels his brand-new, Dolce and Gabanna jacket off his shoulders and tosses it on the floor.

JC laughs and retrieves the jacket from the floor. "You know you're gonna hate yourself if you leave it like that. He drapes the jacket on a chair and goes to sit beside Lance. "You don't have to strip for me, Lance. I can help."

Lance stares at the jacket, now neatly hanging from the back of the chair. "Good," he says, his voice low. "Because I don't think I can handle these buttons with you looking at me like that."

JC holds Lance's eyes with his as he reaches awkward fingers to the first button, twitching it free.

Lance swallows, letting the anticipation build, trying to focus on JC so he doesn't end up rushing through this. He leans in close, brushing his lips against JC's, needing the contact to distract him from JC's hands on his shirt.

JC tries to calm his nervous fingers. It's not like they haven't done THIS part before. The brush of Lance's lips on his distracts him even further, but he manages another button, letting his fingers play lightly over the exposed flesh.

Lance intensifies the kiss as he feels JC's fingertips on his skin. Already, he's aroused to the point where his pants are becoming a nuisance, but still, he wants this to last. He knows there will never be another time like this, and he wants to remember every detail, every touch, every kiss. He brings his hands to JC's face and gently cups the defined cheeks between his palms.

JC rubs his cheek against Lance's hand like a cat asking for more caresses. He's disposed of the final button and reaches for Lance's cufflinks, wondering how Mr. Unbuttoned Cuffs on Everything managed to wear them for the whole day. He turns his head to kiss each wrist in turn. "I guess you must really love me."

Lance suddenly takes JC's head in his hands and holds it still so that JC is forced to look in his eyes. "Don't EVER doubt that." Then, he kisses JC, desperately needing him to understand the extent of his love.

"Lance. Baby," JC whispers when the kiss breaks. He's stunned by the passion, the desperation in Lance's kiss and he knows in this moment--not that he'd had any doubt--that what they've done today is absolutely right. He'd felt a chill, a power, a sense of blessing, today, when they'd spoken their vows, and he feels this again now.

Lance's eyes travel down JC's body and back up to his face. This time when he presses his lips against JC's the kiss is soft and gentle, and Lance feels his arousal growing as his hands move to loosen the tie around his friend's neck.

JC pushes the starched fabric of Lance's shirt over the soft skin of his shoulders, pulling the shirttails out of his pants and letting the shirt drop. He runs his hands up and down from Lance's waist over the strong lines of his back, then flattens them against Lance's stomach and slowly brings them up over his chest.

The warm hands against his skin cause Lance to stop what he's doing; he's hypnotized by the gentle touch of JC's hands, which send chill bumps along his arms and cause his nipples to harden. He's amazed at this reaction; JC doesn't even have to touch him and Lance can get aroused. But tonight, they finally get to do something about their mutual attraction. He tries to concentrate on getting JC's tie out from his collar, but JC is not making this easy.

JC smiles as he feels Lance's hands falter, try again, falter. He reaches up to move Lance's hands away, and when he takes Lance's hand in his, he feels Lance's ring press into his own fingers. Not Lance's usual ring, but the one JC himself placed there earlier, the only ring Lance wears tonight, the twin of the ring on JC's own finger. And he feels again that frisson, that sense that they have formed something greater than themselves. JC takes a deep breath and removes the troublesome tie.

Lance stares at his hand entwined in his . . . spouse's. It hits him then, in full force like a nuclear blast. JC is his husband, and Lance his. He almost collapses then, as the magnitude of what they did today hits him. But then he watches as JC begins to unbutton his shirt, and he returns his attention to his lover. He nudges JC's hands aside, saying, "I'm supposed to do that." Lance throws his concentration on unfastening each button, slowly, as though he's unwrapping one of the many presents they'd received today. Except that JC is the only gift he could ever have asked for.

Watching Lance concentrate on anything is one of JC's favorite things. He throws himself so completely into things and JC often watches when Lance isn't aware of it. Having that concentration turned on himself is almost overwhelming.

Lance has the last button open, after untucking JC's shirt from his pants, and now he slides his hand inside, opening the shirt just a little, to caress the smooth, muscular chest inside, brushing his fingers lightly over one small, erect nipple as his lips find JC's and he kisses him tenderly, sweetly, before slipping his tongue inside the welcoming mouth.

JC lets himself fall back on the bed, pulling Lance with him so his lover--his husband--is lying half on top of him. One hand wraps firmly around Lance's waist, while the other buries itself in the soft hair.

Lance's tongue explores JC's warm mouth slowly, sliding along his teeth, the roof of his mouth, until it finally becomes entwined with JC's own probing tongue. He brings his hands to JC's shirt, and spreads the fabric open so can lay his bare chest on JC's warm skin. He reaches to caress JC's cheeks as the stirring in his groin becomes more urgent.

Lying here with Lance in his arms, knowing that they're not going to reach a certain point then stop like they always have is about the best feeling JC has ever had. He can feel Lance's heart beating against his own chest, and knows his own is pounding just as joyously.

Lance props himself up on his arms and gazes down at his soon-to-be lover. He can feel himself trembling, and he hopes that JC doesn't see how nervous he is. He wants so badly to please JC; he knows that JC missed out by waiting so long. Lance wants nothing more than to make up for that. "I love you," he says, his voice even and clear as he dips down, capturing JC's lips and then moving lower, to his slightly stubbled chin, and then down to his neck, which he licks and sucks hungrily.

"I love you, too," JC whispers, the whisper dissolving into a moan as he feels Lance's lips and then his tongue on his own throat. His fingers stroke over Lance's chest, finding one already hard nipple. He brings his fingers to his own mouth and wets them, then returns them to Lance's nipple, squeezing and caressing the responsive flesh.

Lance's eyes grow wide at the wet touch. His groin aches painfully with the desire building up. He turns his body slightly to give JC better access, and after a few minutes he continues his journey down JC's throat to the sharply defined collarbone. With his hands on JC's waist, he licks his way across JC's chest, over the small, fine hairs to one round, brown nipple, which he flicks with his tongue, then captures in his mouth.

JC presses against Lance's mouth, loving the sensations Lance is giving him. They've gotten very good at the things they've allowed themselves to do, and this is no exception. But this time he interrupts, lifting Lance's head from his chest. "Baby, let's get all the way up on the bed. One wrong move and you're gonna go sliding off." Together they climb up onto the bed.

Lance is momentarily flustered at the interruption, but when the two men have gotten comfortable at the head of the bed, Lance says softly, "Where was I? Oh yeah, here," and he brings his mouth back to JC's chest, this time putting his attention on the other, neglected nipple.

JC cradles Lance's head to his chest, stroking his hair. His other hand strays again to Lance's chest, imitating with his fingers what Lance is doing with his tongue.

Taking one wet nipple into his mouth, Lance sucks hard, in reaction to JC's touch. His head snaps up. "Sorry, sorry." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Maybe waiting so long wasn't such a good idea; with the way he's reacting to the simplest touch, Lance is afraid neither of them will be able to walk tomorrow. This time, when he returns to JC's chest, he sucks gently, rolling the nipple between his teeth and giving it a gentle tug before moving on to the other nipple.

JC relaxes into the pillow again, and he lets his hand stray lower roaming over Lance's stomach. He touches the belt buckle, and when Lance doesn't start, he begins working it one-handed.

_I can do this, Lance tells himself. You've been waiting for this for YEARS, and now the big day is here. But Lance worries--what if he doesn't live up to the big buildup. He pushes that thought aside and instead concentrates on the man below him. The man he loves. The man he VOWED to love forever. And Lance will do whatever it takes to make him happy. So he once again puts his concentration back on JC, licking down his chest even as JC tugs his belt open.

JC manages to unfasten the belt buckle and begins to slide the belt out of the belt loops. He tosses the belt aside and brushes his hand very lightly over the bulge in Lance's pants. He pauses, waiting for Lance's reaction.

Lance rests his head on JC's chest, hearing the quickening heartbeat through his skin. Lance is panting now, and he's momentarily paralyzed when JC touches his crotch.

JC feels Lance freeze against him and moves his hand to the much safer area of Lance's back. He traces soothing circles, murmuring "it's okay, baby. It's okay."

"I'm sorry, Josh," Lance says, raising his head. "I want this. I do. It's just so . . . intense. I can't believe what just one touch can do." He looks down, at the two bodies pressed together and when he raises his eyes, they're glowing with desire. "But I like it." He brings his lips to JC's chest and kisses his way down, pausing to lick at JC's indented navel and then following the trail of hairs that lead to the dark recess of JC's crotch. He begins to work the button on JC's pants, licking his lips in quiet anticipation.

That Lance can be so shy one moment and so bold the next is just another of the things that JC loves about him. He can feel his entire body tighten as Lance works his way down, and Lance's fingers on the button of his pants are almost too much to take. "I like it too," he manages as he touches Lance's hair, almost the only part of him JC can reach.

Lance figures that by taking control he can alleviate some of his nerves and delay the inevitable just a little longer. There's no going back after this, and he wants to make this first time last as long as possible. He lowers JC's zipper slowly; it's not like they've never fooled around before, but they've always stopped before they crossed the line. Now, Lance realizes that whatever they start they're going to finish. And if he's going to be honest with himself, it scares him, just a little. Okay, a lot.

It's as if JC can feel each tooth of the zipper release, that's how much every nerve ending is just completely open, raw, pulsing.

When he finally has the zipper all the way down, Lance pauses, breathing in JC's scent. It's a combination of the cologne JC wore that day, soap, and his own, special scent. Lance raises himself and instructs, "Don't move." He reaches down to JC's feet and removes his shoes and socks, tossing them on the floor. This gives him an opportunity to slide his hands up JC's long, lean legs and into his crotch, which he massages through the fabric of his trousers. Lance can feel the pounding heat against his hand, and he smiles up at JC.

JC looks back down at Lance, wanting to touch, unable to reach except to touch Lances face. His hips thrust upward into Lance's hand involuntarily, begging for more caresses.

Lance sighs, relieved that JC is responding to his advances. Boldly, he slips his hand inside JC's boxers to the pulsing hardness inside. He looks up into his lover's face. "Just tell me . . . if anything . . . I mean, if you don't like what I'm doing . . . "

"Lance, I LOVE what you're doing. I just wanna, I just wanna be able to touch you, too."

As if in reaction to JC's words, Lance's pants tighten around his growing hardness. He bites his lip and pushes himself higher on the bed, never taking his hand out of JC's pants, and lays next to his new husband.

"Much better," JC says, gathering Lance close. He brings his lips to Lance's once again, and he kisses Lance deeply as he reaches for the fastenings of his pants. This time, Lance doesn't freeze, doesn't startle. JC quickly unbuttons and more slowly unzips the elegant pants. He slips his hand inside. To touch heat wrapped in silk. Blue silk, he knows, having bought these boxers for Lance himself, providing him with the requisite something blue.

Lance moans into JC's mouth as the soft hand comes into contact with his hardness. He brings his own hand up and spreads it across the planes of JC's chest, finding one erect nipple and pinching it between his fingers. He's afraid he's going to come right there in JC's hand, so he needs something to distract him. He wants their first time to last, to be as memorable as it should be.

JC continues to caress Lance through the silk, certain from his reactions that Lance is enjoying the sensation as much as he enjoys giving it. When he finally dips his hand into the opening of the boxers, it's almost as if nothing has changed. Lance still feels like silk in his hand, silk even finer than what he's wearing, hot and alive.

Lance swallows, in awe of how incredible it feels to have JC touch him this way. He brings his lips to JC's throat and feels his pulse quicken. He squirms in JC's hand, bringing his knee up to wrap around JC's legs pulling him closer.

JC revels in their closeness, and he wants more. He wants them completely entangled, skin to skin. JC carefully moves Lance's leg and begins sliding Lance's pants down, getting them down to his knees before he remembers his shoes. "Be right back," he smiles, pecking a kiss at Lance's cheek, before he slips down on the bed and deals with the shoes, socks and pants. He pauses to look up at Lance, clad only now in the blue boxers that match JC's own eyes. And the wide, gold ring. His husband, JC thinks. His HUSBAND.

Lance smiles shyly, hands on his stomach, knees up. He marvels at JC's confidence. Lance still wonders how he got so lucky, even after all this time. He plays with the ring on his finger. "Josh, before we go any further I just want to say . . . thanks. For waiting. It was important to me. I know it wasn't easy--it wasn't easy for me. Especially sometimes when you wore those tight pants." He laughs nervously, then continues. "But I'll always be grateful to you for that. And I promise you . . . I swear to you . . . I'll make you happy."

JC climbs back up next to Lance to look into his eyes. "I know that, Lance. Because you already do. Happier than I ever thought I'd be. And as for waiting, well, it was the right decision for both of us. I've never regretted it."

"Come here." Lance places his hand on JC's cheek and pulls him in for a kiss. As his lips close over JC's soft mouth, he pulls JC on top of him, pressing their hips together. JC presses hard against Lance, crushing him into the mattress, crushing them against each other. He can feel the heat of Lance's erection through the layers of cloth that separate them, and he can feel his own throbbing response. Lance opens his legs to JC as a symbolic invitation. He caresses JC's back, then brings his hand to that smooth chest once more, then lower. He slides JC's expensive trousers over his narrow hips and reaches inside his boxers to the wedding present inside.

JC closes his eyes as he feels Lance's hand caressing his hardness. He's dreamed of this night for so long, and the reality is more than living up to the fantasy. He slips his own hand down into Lance's boxers, copying Lance's every movement.

Lance inhales sharply and tightens his grip. Looking directly into JC's gleaming blue eyes, he moans, "I want you, Josh. I want you to make love to me."

JC smiles radiantly down at Lance. "Yeah, we can do that."

"Good." Lance keeps his face serious as he pulls JC in for another kiss, then sits up slowly, letting JC fall back on his knees, and lowers JC's pants even more. He shifts so JC can stretch out, and removes the pants, then, after only a brief hesitation, Lance removes JC's shorts, revealing the hard, long erection underneath.

"Lance," JC whispers, reaching for him, pulling him close till only the one thin layer of silk separates their erections.

Lance grinds his hips into JC's, surprising even himself at this bold move. "Josh!" Lance responds, smiling, blushing, feeling that rush of exhilaration over what they're about to do.

JC slips his hands into Lance's boxers again, cupping the round, firm globes of his butt. He moves his hands to the sides, hooking his thumbs over the waistband, then whispers, "Lift your hips." When Lance complies, JC slides the boxers down to his thighs, then guides Lance's hips back down, pressing their erections together.

Lance closes his eyes and moans; he's never felt this close to JC before. Everything feels so intimate. Every touch. Like they're the only two people in existence at this very moment.

JC rocks his hips against Lance's, heightening the contact. His mouth finds a sensitive spot on Lance's throat and hovers there, licking and kissing.

Lance cranes his neck like a cat wanting to have his belly rubbed. JC knows the exact spots on Lance's body that drive him wild. Lance, needing something to do with his hands, finds himself unable to stop touching the warm, soft skin on JC's back. With his arms wrapped around JC, his hands roam down the smooth planes, until they reach the curves of JC's tight, beautiful ass. Almost timidly, Lance brushes his fingers over the gentle swell, letting his hands rest there.

JC rolls Lance onto his back, still kissing his throat. He takes one hand and runs it very slowly down Lance's body from collarbone to crotch, finally encircling his erection once again. He caresses the hot flesh before slipping lower to cup the cooler pouch below.

Lance's eyes widen as his sac is enveloped in JC's warm hand. The sensation is wonderful, and his arousal shows as his engorged erection twitches against JC's arm. Lance squeezes JC's ass in reaction, moaning his pleasure into JC's ear.

JC slips his hand lower rubbing lightly over sensitive flesh until one finger finds the small, puckered opening.

Lance pushes against JC, but then he tells himself to relax, that this is his husband and this is what they've been waiting for and there's nothing to be afraid of. He opens his legs wider as an invitation and kisses JC's ear.

"It's okay, baby. It's okay." JC murmurs, as he makes his fingers as gentle as possible. He feels Lance relax a bit, and he reaches to the night stand for the care package that Joey had given them at their bachelor party. He extracts a tube of lubricant, and with rather unsteady hands, manages to spread some on his fingers. "Tell me if I hurt you," he whispers, as his hand slips between Lance's legs once again.

"You could never hurt me, Josh. My mother would kill you." He smiles reassuringly after seeing that JC is just as nervous as he is.

JC freezes. "Uh, Lance? Could you like never, ever, EVER mention your mother again when we're making love?"

Lance knows his face is bright red right now. "Um, yeah. Sorry. Maybe you should kiss me so I won't get myself in trouble anymore."

"Maybe I should." JC brings his lips to Lance's, slipping his tongue between the open lips. As soon as he tastes Lance's sweet mouth, all other thoughts are driven away. His hand slides deep between Lance's legs and he presses one lubed finger against Lance's opening. He realizes his hand is trembling and he wills it to stop before he gently thrusts his finger into Lance.

Lance intensifies the kiss in order to help his new husband relax. The pressure of the finger sends a chill up Lance's spine, but it's a new kind of pleasure and it results in his erection becoming even harder.

Lance's responsiveness emboldens JC who begins a steady stroking with his finger, eventually adding a second. He pulls back from their kiss to gaze at Lance's expressive face, watching emotions flood over it.

He's not even aware his eyes are closed. Even in the darkness, Lance can see JC's handsome face. He arches his back and his knee comes up, and he finally opens his eyes to see JC staring at him with intense concern. "Josh, it feels so good. It really does." He slides his hand down JC's chest and lightly touches just the tip of JC's hardness. "YOU feel so good."

"No, YOU feel so good," JC smiles, then turns serious. "Baby? DO you think, um are you, um, ready to, um . . . try, um . . . ?" It's JC's turn to blush.

Lance brings his hand up to JC's cheek and holds his gaze. "Yeah."

JC reaches for the lube again and manages, shakily, to spread a quantity on his throbbing hardness. He rolls on top of Lance and positions himself, then looks straight into Lance's eyes. "I love you, Lance, for always." He never drops Lance's gaze as he carefully pushes into him.

Lance braces himself for the pain he's sure will come with the first thrust. But it's brief, and before he knows it he's filled with intense pleasure. He's suddenly hit with the realization that he and JC are making love. LOVE. "Oh, Josh," he groans. "I love you too."

Once he's sure he's not hurting Lance, JC relaxes a little and allows himself to enjoy it. And enjoy is an understatement. To finally be completely one with the man he loves after all this time is just-- incredible, indescribable, inspiring. He watches Lance's face carefully, hoping that this is as wonderful for Lance as it is for him. Finally, he can take it no more and it dips his head to capture Lance's lips, kissing him again and again as he rocks steadily inside his husband.

Instinct takes over as Lance starts to meet each thrust by pulsing his hips up, urging JC in deeper.

Tears well in his eyes as JC's kisses become more passionate.

Lance grips his lover tightly trying to convey all that he's feeling.

JC feels Lance's every response, his every thrust. Lance has been so worried that he'd be a disappointment to JC, but nothing could be further from the truth. He's everything JC has ever dreamed of. He can't stop kissing Lance, tasting his sweetness, even as he thrusts harder, more passionately. This is so much more than sex. This is truly making love, and JC is glad he waited for this perfect moment.

Lance reaches up to hold JC's face in his hands. He has never felt such a connection with anyone in his life. Just as their bodies fit perfectly together, their whole beings fit together. Lance pants in time to JC's rhythm and makes quiet, whimpering noises as JC's heat fills him.

JC reaches down between their pressed bodies and takes Lance's erection in his hand, stroking the hot organ to even greater stiffness than the friction of their bodies achieved. The catch in Lance's breathing tells him that this is bringing Lance close to orgasm, as he is.

Just when Lance thinks he's reached the peak of pleasure, JC brings him to a new level. His lover is both inside him and holding him, and Lance can do nothing but succumb to the ecstasy JC infuses in him. Lance bites his lip as he feels himself nearing the edge, and it's more than he can take as his orgasm tears through him, and he cries out, louder than he expected, and convulses against JC.

That cry makes JC feel like Casanova, Don Juan, Valentino. He manages a few more strokes before he, too, succumbs, and it feels like free falling into the safest place imaginable. His head has fallen to one side and he finds his mouth close to one perfect ear, so he whispers "I love you--so much-- forever," as he comes and comes.

Lance pulls JC so close he feels as though their bodies are melting into one. A warmth spreads through him as JC's orgasm subsides, and Lance feels a tear trickle down his cheek. He cradles JC's head against his shoulder, not wanting to move too much just yet. He just wants to absorb the moment, to remember every detail because there will never be a moment like this one again. Sure, there will be many more days of lovemaking ahead, but this was the first time. The only first time.

JC pulls his head back to look down at Lance, and kisses away that trailing teardrop. His gaze becomes very serious. "You were worried before about this not feeling real. But this feels more real to me than anything I've ever had in my life.”

Lance holds up his hand and stares at the gleaming gold band. "Me too, Josh." He turns his gaze to his husband. "In sickness and in health, for better or worse, till death do us part."

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