Send in the Clowns
by Karen and LB
© 2002
Okay, the first thing you need to know is that we're crazy. Very crazy. The second thing you need to know is that we both hated the Scary Clown from the No Strings Attached tour. A LOT. Yes, this is a very strange piece. We know that. We even included some of the conversation that led into this, just to make it a little more comprehensible. As we've said before, a LOT of our stories start this way. The two of us emailing back and forth and it turns into a story . . . Oh, and it's sort of a "why Lance and JC seemed so bummed at the San Diego concerts, especially the first one" story. And did I mention we're crazy?
That's it! The clown hit on Lance, but Lance did nothing to fend it off so JC
got mad at him. But Lance was intimidated by the clown.
And wanted JC to save him, which he didn't because he was all swept up in
a jealous rage.
He needs to learn to be more trusting.
Really. But I can't say I blame him with his boyfriend being the CBOP.
Yeah, but it's not like Lance came on to the clown.
No, but he didn't exactly do much to fend it off.
He thought the clown was just being friendly. It wasn't till later he realized
there was something more going on. He can be so naive sometimes. Didn't
his parents warn him not to talk to strange clowns?
Yeah, but ever since he got muscles, he thinks he's safe.
Muscles are all well and good, till the clown tries to slip you a roofie, Lance.
Oh no, poor Lance! JC, save him from the roofie-wielding clown!
Let's hope JC comes to his senses in time.
I hope he burned the clown.
Or staked it. And scattered its ashes to the four corners.
Joshy the Clown Slayer?
As long as he doesn't fall for Nick, I mean Spike.
He does like those spike boys.
So MAYBE it was JC who was flirting with Nick and Lance caught them.
Yeah, maybe the clown was just trying to WARN Lance.
But Lance read it all wrong--not only did he think the clown was coming onto
him, but he thought his boyfriend was cheating on him.
Poor Lance, no wonder he was so pissed in San Diego.
"You were flirting with Nick Carter! The clown told me so! And then he
tried to
molest me!"
"You're gonna believe the clown over me? WHY would I bother with Fat Nick
when I've got you? And how did it try to molest you? It's just a giant
"Have you seen the size of that mouth??? And I've seen you checking out
Nick, wanting to take a bite of his whopper."
"Lance, I have no desire to hold his pickle. But if you don't trust me,
fine! I'm
still gonna kick that clown's butt. If I can figure out where it is."
"You want to supersize Nick! I know you do! But if you're going to kick
clown's butt, be careful, Josh. You might get lost in there."
"What do you care? You think I'm cheating on you with Nick. But let me tell
you: I've seen Nick in some pretty tight outfits (tighter all the time) and
compared to you, that's a Whopper JR he's packing."
<blush> "I'm no happy meal, JC."
"You're a happy meal and an apple pie as far as I'm concerned. And you
come with the only toy I'm interested in playing with."
"Then why'd you go sample Nick's meat?"
"I DIDN'T! I can't believe after all this time you don't trust me. You are
only Filet o' Fish I want."
"Sure, that's all I am to you. I know what you want. You want all beef
and I can't give you that. So you went to the next window."
"Baby, you don't get it. I keep trying to tell you, but you don't believe
You ARE all beef. Grade A. Prime. You're two all-beef patties, special
sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun to me. All I
could ever want. And I don't WANT no refund."
"So, are you saying you want 'fries' with that?"
"Yeah, and not from Burger King, either--you hear what I'm saying?"
"No, JC, I'm not sure I do. Not after the way you were checking out Nick's
"We're back to this? The clown LIED, Lance. The clown is trying to get into
your cute little pants. I am not and I have never been interested in Nick
Carter. What's it gonna take to convince you? What?"
"I don't know, JC. I don't know if I can trust you right now. I can't even
trust a
clown, how can I trust you? And my pants are _not_ cute!"
"You'd rather trust the scary clown than me? When have I ever given you
reason to doubt me, Lance?"
"Now, Josh, now. I leave you alone for two minutes and you run off to flirt
some other blond guy. At least the clown stays in one place."
"For the millionth time, Lance, I was not off flirting with ANYONE. I
even SEEN Nick Carter in like MONTHS. The clown lies through its teeth. Or
whatever it has."
"In MONTHS? So you WERE seeing Nick. I knew it. The clown never lies."
"I meant 'seen' as in run into, said hello to, been in the same room as,
'seen' as in 'dated'. I have never cheated on you. Never. And if you don't
believe me, I don't know why we're even talking. I thought we had something,
Lance. I really did. I'll go get my stuff out of your room so you won't have to
put up with my devotion any more."
"Fine. If that's the way you want it. You were just looking for an excuse
get out anyway."
"That's NOT how I want it. How I want it is for you to stop obsessing about
someone I wouldn't even go with if I WERE available. Which I'm not. And I
don't want to be. For once and for all, I am not attracted to NIck Carter. Never
have been, never will be. I love you and only you."
"Then why is it I'm so jealous!"
"That's what I'm trying to figure out. The clown is trying to break us up
some reason. Please don't let it, Lance. The thought of life without you in
"Maybe you'd be better off with the clown. At least he'd make you
"Lance! What is going ON with you? I don't WANT anyone else. Don't you
get that? No one. Ever."
"You say that now. But what happens IF someone else comes along. How
can you say EVER?"
"I can say ever because I mean ever. You believed me yesterday. Why don't
you believe me today?" JC gives up on words and simply wraps his arms
around Lance, hoping against hope that what his words can't convey, his love
Lance struggles against JC's grip. This is wrong, he thinks. He doesn't love
me. He doesn't. He's only faking. "You're lying! You're lying! First Nick,
"Bobbie? What does Bobbie have to do with any of this? Lance, you're not
making sense. What the hell did that clown DO to you?"
"It told me the truth! The truth about you and Bobbie. That you've been
sleeping with her and that you really love her and that all that stuff we
decided to let her tell the press was really true."
"Lance, you know that's not true. You're always there when I'm with
Bobbie.This is ridiculous. That thing is evil!" JC stalks off to confront
scary clown.
"No, JC! Don't go near it! You don't know . . . what it can do. Listen to
me. I
went backstage. Alone. And the clown . . . he . . . just don't go back there,
Josh. Please don't go back there."
JC looks back. "I can't let it do this. I can't let it take you away from
me. I
can't let that happen. And if what it takes is me going back there and
confronting it, so be it. I love you. I know you don't believe me now, but I do.
And I'd do anything for you, so I'm doing this."
Lance is torn between his jealous rage and his sense that something isn't
quite right, that there's a voice in his head telling him what to say. "Be
careful, Josh," is all he can manage, because he fears that's the last time
he'll ever see the man he once loved, still loves, again.
JC wraps Lance's words around him like armor. If Lance cares enough to
warn him, there must be hope. He walks resolutely into the dim backstage
recesses, where he knows the clown is stored. Pausing to let his eyes
adjust to the dimness, he squares his shoulders before approaching the evil
"So, Chasez, you've finally come," the voice is piercing in the
darkness of
the backstage storage room. Until this moment, JC had had his doubts. Until
he heard the malevolence, the power of this voice, he had no idea what he
was up against. His voice almost as strong as he hoped it would be, he
says, "You were expecting me?"
"Of course, Chasez. I just used the boy to get to you. He's so . . . easily
influenced, you know."
"He was caught off guard. He's stronger than he seems. He warned me,
didn't he?" JC pauses. "What do you want from me?"
The clown laughs its evil, high-pitched laugh. "I want what you have. I
the boy. He's only able to resist because he still clings to this silly notion
that you actually love him."
"I DO love him. And you can't have him. I'll smash you into tiny, scary
pieces before that happens."
"Just try it, Chasez. You know you cannot resist my power. I'll destroy you
and your friends. I want the boy. Now give him to me."
"Never. You can't have him. Even if you've destroyed his love for me. Even
if I
can never win him back. I will not let you have him." JC's fist crashes
into the
smooth, hard surface of the scary clown. It hurts, but it doesn't matter.
"Noooooooooooo!" The screeching cry fills the room as a gust of wind
nowhere rushes through the room, scattering the pieces of the now harmless
clown. Before silence descends upon the darkness, a menacing whisper is
heard: "It's not over, Chasez. I'll be back. Someday. When you least expect
JC drops to his knees, cradling his aching hand. "I'll be ready." Then
collapses to the floor, sobbing weakly, having used all his strength, all his
inner resources, to stand up to this formidable foe.
"Josh? Josh, is that you? What happened? What are you doing here?
Josh??? Are you okay??? Josh, speak to me."
"Lance? Baby?"
"Josh! What happened?" He falls to the ground beside JC and cradles
him in
his arms.
"You don't remember anything?" JC reaches with his bruised hand to
Lance's face. "You're never going to believe me."
"Remember what? All I know is that we went to some benefit and the next
thing I know we're here and . . . what happened? Isn't this where they put
that stupid clown?"
"Yeah, the clown had a little accident. C'mon, let's go back to the hotel,
baby. I need to hold you."
"You know, I never liked that thing. Next tour, no clowns. Hey, you think
could stop off at McDonald's first? I have this strange craving for an apple
"Anything you want, baby. Anything you want."